Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Why INVEST IN CETES INVERTIR EN CETES if inflation is greater than

I sometimes wonder if people can read on Mexico, because this information should not really INVEST IN CETES. Because you have to give the task a little research before investing our money. terrifies everybody put their money into risky markets or equity, and may be legitimate, because of the possibility of losing. However INVEST IN CETES no chance of winning.

At first you should understand that Cetes is the Mexican government's sovereign bond, not mean it's reliable performance is a fixed income, but not safe. Looking at the situation in Europe at this time the central banks can not meet its sovereign debt payments, Greece simply this delaying the payment of government bonds which is the reason European economic problem. In summary, there is no secure income, so there is the bond that is different.

At this time the same bank of Mexico published in all media the average inflation in recent years is 5% per year, if we see today cetes is giving a yield of 4.40% per annum, then we are going to lose 0.6% per year and our investment when we go to INVEST IN CETES, and that we have not heard that the devaluation of the Mexican money has been 20% this year. Is true, you have to be delayed for INVEST IN CETES.

Why investors put their money in cetes? Do not demonize the whole to the sovereign bonds of Mexico. Similar to other areas, central governments dictate the rate of return in areas where stakeholders often lose money or earn almost nothing. Then they must have a defined public, and so, if you are a widow living on their pensions or retirement you can not afford to risk losing heritage, so these people want the same value for their money but not crest the rest of his life.

If this is not your case forget INVEST IN CETES, investment that suits you is more variable income, by investing in cetes never really actually grow your money. More about the profits that you have for your heritage is not difficult and should not be an expert economist.

First Forget earnings of less than 5% annually that is lost. Second if your monthly salary is not enough for what you spend per month, the problem is not savings but your income. And finally you should consider your investment, no matter the amount, you must generate annually at least 6 months of your salary. So if you have little equity your only way out is to take greater risks that give you high profits to grow.

Author: garcenr

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