Sunday, December 1, 2013

How Do I Get Organized? Invest

Invest in getting organized and you cannot lose, you only make yourself more valuable regardless of the results.

I listened to a speaker today who talked about making a six-figure investment in a coaching program in order to learn more and

Invest to Get Organized Expert

Take her business to the next level.� In this speaker series the host, Lisa Sasevich, talks about taking a quantum leap to great success.� She talked about the fact that a quantum leap, a BIG shift in thought and action, is much easier in the long run than doing a little at a time.

I was thinking about this and how it applies to my clients and investing in getting where you want to go.� Obviously it doesn�t have to be a six figure investment but there does need to be an investment of self, time and money to get organized.

Part of this contradicts what I say about slight persistent effort.� My experience is that great things can happen by doing a little bit at a time and being consistent and persistent.� My experience also says that for some, they need to get ahead of the avalanche enough to see the snow.� They are tumbling around, head over heels in the chaos and can�t seem to get out.� In this case slight persistent effort may not be the solution.

Sometimes investing yourself (time and money) to get organized is necessary.

Invest in yourself; financially, mentally, spiritually so that you can slow down and see what�s causing your life to be so clutter and unmanageable.

Invest your time to stop the tumbling around and get ahead of the crash Invest your money to get help to stop the insanity; invest in the help to physically organize and to spiritually explore how you got where you are so that you can take a different path next time.

Author: Mark Butler

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