Tuesday, November 26, 2013

'How to Invest in Your Online Marketing Today'

Most Web business owners have limited ... ... so itonly makes sense to invest in ... that really works. Todaythe top two ways people find what they want online are ... ind

Most Web business owners have limited marketing resources, so it
only makes sense to invest in marketing that really works. Today
the top two ways people find what they want online are through
search indexes, and through links.

Which means, search engine optimization (SEO) and targeted link
building are the top marketing tactics today that are worth your
investment. You can certainly choose one or the other, but
here's why we recommend you do both:

SEO services are all about getting you the best possible search
engine positioning. Although search engines are used by close to
80% of the population online today to find resources, currently
they index less than 40% of the Internet overall. Which means
that more than 60% of all Internet resources cannot be found
through the search engines at all.

This raises the question: 'If people can't find the resources
they want through search engines and directories, how DO they
find them and where do they look?'

The answer is, 'through links'. After search indexes, this is
the 2nd most popular way to find anything online, and opens the
door to a much higher percentage of the Internet's resources
than search indexes can offer.

Targeted link building finds the sites where your market
gathers, then works to establish a direct link from those sites
to yours. In this way it brings you one step closer to reaching
your target markets - the people frequenting sites in your
market niche.

And because targeted links enhance your listings with the top 19
search engines and directories today, you'll become a more
visible and a recognized player in your niche market. SEO and
link building combine in a symbiotic relationship, and it works
to your advantage.

Can you see why you need to invest in both site optimization and
link building? Targeted link building reaches out to the online
community to find your target audience and build your network,
while an SEO campaign enhances and effectively submits your Web
site assets.

Author: Scott T. Smith

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