Friday, January 17, 2014

Investment in You

This week for me has been very much a week of growth both in knowledge as I find myself wanting to develop my own personal knowledge, new experiences by going back into the gym enviroment and also observation by stepping out what sometimes feels like the fitness bubble and having a good look around at what seems to be happening in the industry right now

I never in a month of Sundays thought I would ever want to slow down, ok, ok I don't mean grab my pipe and slippers just yet! I actually mean slow down, re-educate and evaluate what I am teaching. I love fast pace classes and still thrive off of the buzz but like I mentioned in the USP article so many of us teach these sessions with ever growing quality its becoming hard to stand out from the crowd so here is a question: When did you last study something or train in something because YOU had a passion for it or was interested in it? NOT because of work, money or because the trend is taking you to follow the majority? Ready for some honesty... for me it has been years! A bit more honesty ... The reason I asked myself this is because I had lost 'that' passion I started with over 12 years ago.

So if you are still sat looking puzzled as to where you think I'm heading with my Jackie rant keep reading I promise I will make sense soon.

Wake up call

4 months ago I started working for a big chain as a fitness manager I and have recently found myself falling into the companies ways looking at budgets, sales etc which is my job but something has felt missing. As always I need more than one thing to focus on so I have recently begun work with a company to consult and set up a fitness camp for Joe Public.
All im going to say is WOW it has stoked the fires in my belly (can you tell I'm a country bumpkin lol)and I have loved every minute because its brought me back to where I began ...

Little story

People who are close to me in the industry know my love is for education and also the work I do with clients to help build their fitness and self esteem. I was an overweight and very unhealthy child/teenager until I found fitness and how it made me feel. This was the reason I started in the industry, I was amazed at how the body which is an amazing thing changed. This sparked my thirst for knowledge and all I have wanted to do is share my passion.

Back to the present

So how many of you feel ...

You are doing your true passion?

You have maybe fallen into a system?

You are teaching things you have to?

That maybe you could develop and earn good money from your passion?

You could develop your knowledge, but feel there are not enough hours in the day?

Crunch time!

Due to the credit crunch I have watched clubs start to slowly take classes in house and all my freelance friends run themselves ragged with sleepless nights and teaching any classes available. No one seems to be thinking about the instructors that have for years taught with a passion even classes they didn't want to teach and sometimes investing their own money into the product. If at any time is the right time this is when we should go back to our passion and make money from doing what we love and the knowledge we own.


We are first point of contact we do know what clients want

We work with all the different age groups, skill levels and adapt to all needs

Use your power of knowledge you know a lot more than you think and you have more business, networking and teaching skills than you realise so dig deep. What would you expect from a business and someone that calls themselves a professional?

We are all guilty of this believe in yourself remember we all teach in different style, at different levels with different personalities your are a brilliant instructor with the potential to be even greater.

Treat with care ...

Treat yourself with care! If a client was to tell you they were suffering with Disturbed sleep, chronic fatigue, low immune system, poor appetite, stress etc what would you say? ...Need I say more?!

We are only human and as instructors you are your business so invest in your mind and body. Read books, articles, do courses/workshops they don't need to cost the earth library books are free! It's a 100 times easier to sell a product you are passionate about and that is in good working order.

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