Saturday, January 25, 2014

Why Invest Yourself

An SMSF, or 'self managed super fund' is a situation in which a group of less than five people have pooled their resources together in order to make investments that can generate a good amount of profit. The way this works then is simple – the group of people will each agree to pay in a certain amount over a certain duration of time, and will then decide together how they want to invest their joint capital in order to try and increase their bounty. The idea for many is that self managed super funds provide a kind of pension, and many intend to draw the money out of their self managed super funds once they reach retirement. However at the same time an SMSF can be used for many other things, just like any bank savings can.

 The question is, why use self managed super funds, or why invest money yourself in a self directed way, when banks already exist to do all that for you with no effort on your part? There are several answers to this question. First of all, by using self managed super funds you are able to reduce your tax. The reason for this is that you get tax reductions on self managed super funds that don't apply to other savings accounts. In order to benefit form this reduction though, your SMSF needs to meet various criteria. This means you need to have five or less members, that none of the members must work for the other trustees, and that all members be trustees of the fund.

 Even without those tax reductions however, an SMSF is already a good move and a great way to invest money. One of the main reasons for this is simply that investing in an SMSF will allow you to make all the decisions regarding your investments and to decide how you want to invest.
This means that you have a lot more idea where your money is going and it means you can invest in such a way that you are supporting causes you believe in and/or acting on hunches and beliefs you have regarding what would be a good buy. Apart from anything else it's also a good learning experience and gives you a lot more idea how banks work and the economy in general.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Disadvantages of Investing in an Apartment

While investing in an apartment can have its own share of advantages, here are some possible demerits too that you should consider, before choosing to invest in one. The disadvantages of investing in an apartment The Brighter SideAccording to data from the National Council of Real Estate Investment Fiduciaries, for the period between 1984 to 2004, apartments provided a higher total return to investors, than the average for all other types of property.With the current boom in real estate, many people are keen to invest in an apartment. Apartment investment has numerous advantages, making it one of the most desired investments in the real estate market. A steady cash flow is perhaps the biggest draw. You receive a said amount of money from your tenants, and depending upon the number of flats in the apartment building, this can be a significantly big amount. What's more, investing in an apartment can also fetch you good profits when you sell it, due to a steady appreciation in its value. You can also save taxes when you sell an apartment and invest the money into acquiring another property.

However, every investment has two sides to it, and an apartment is no different. Let us have a look at the major drawbacks of renting out an apartment.

Demerits of Investing in an Apartment
1. Financing is Not Easy

It's important to know that apartments are sold as a whole, which means quite a big amount needs to be invested. Add to it the fact that, lenders and financial institutions are not very eager to sanction loans for commercial properties, and financing the property can prove to be difficult. Financial institutions offer mortgage loans (albeit at high interest rates) once you have paid at least 20% of the value as down payment. However, the monthly mortgage payments are quite high, and can dig a hole in your pocket if you don't find tenants sooner than later. To avoid such hassles, investors choose to invest in a group and share the expenses and liabilities.

2. Property Management

Most investors who invest in apartments find it difficult to manage the property. An apartment can have several issues, including maintenance issues, repairs, etc. So, investors hire a third party or a property manager to manage the administration and maintenance of the apartment. While tenants collectively bear the monthly maintenance cost for the apartment, unexpected expenses can come up once in a while, and then it is the owner who has to pay up. Also, if you're on a tight budget, the additional cost of hiring a property manager may discourage you from seeing it as a feasible option.
3. Dealing with Difficult Tenants

If you're lucky, you'll have clients who pay the rent on time, and are more than willing to follow the terms and conditions mentioned in the rental/lease agreement. However, almost every investor has had an experience with a difficult client in their careers. Add to it, the current economic condition, and you know what to expect! If the tenant fails to pay the rent for a particular month, it means additional expenditure from your end towards payment of mortgage. Also, eviction of the tenant can be troublesome in certain cases, when the tenant simply refuses to move out of your apartment. In such a scenario, the only option left before you is to take legal action against the tenant, and it can take some time for the court to pass a judgment.

4. It's Not a Liquid Investment

Author: Mukulika Mukherjee

Invest in a Recognized Web Design Company Online

If you wish to invest in services that would help maintain your website, consider a recognized web design company. The service should not only take care of its appearance alone, but should be designed to fit the needs of your customer, such as the user friendly feature. Know that your customer would not want to wait for more than a minute to have a page open up. He or she would not hesitate but move on to another site to look for a particular need. This is why it becomes crucial to invest in such services that would understand and take care of your need at every stage.

It is important for one to consider the designer�s qualifications and experience, you do not want to be dealing with amateurs. You could ask for samples from the service, a good web design company would ideally offer you one. If you, however, come across one that does not agree to this condition, you should avoid investing in the same. Such samples would give you an idea of what your site could look like. Your website would always represent your brand or firm, you can imagine what a bad site could do to your corporate reputation. Avoid getting yourself in such hassles!

Font size, layouts, background theme, descriptions and other such aspects play a key role when planning out a website. Article or write ups with small fonts are difficult to read. This would certainly have an impact on your reader. A good web design company would take care of this and have the right font placed on your site. Images form another crucial aspect to consider, content alone is never sufficient. This would mean that your website should always have sufficient images to support your content. Your potential customer would not want to look through content alone, images would help them understand your concept better.

The web forms an important platform today, it could be perceived as a meeting ground for people from all walks of life. This would mean that you are able to reach out to your target audience without paying much. All you have to do is invest in a reliable web design company, one that has worked with reputed firms in the past. You need to give your target audience a reason to invest in your services. Know that a good web design company in Mumbai, would make available customer care to help you out with a specific need. This could take the form of calls, live chat, etc.

Author: Dominick Quentin

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Small Investment Options

Often, an individual finds himself/herself in possession of small capital or small volumes. Rather than spending such money rashly, choosing to make small investments which have pocket-sized initial investment, is a better alternative. A person with the intention of investing has to consider a few things or decide his objective of investing. According to his/her needs he/she can invest long term, meaning for a longer period and lower risk, or invest small. The term 'small' conveys two things, small amount of money, or a small time period, which possibly extends for 12 months, or even a few years.

Features to Consider

Now, when it comes to the features and specifications of good, small and short-term investments, first thing that you need to consider is your convenience and your requirements. In the investment sector, there are countless different types and subtypes of investments. The 3 primary features that you need to know are: return over investment, recurring annual investment amount and lastly, time period or life span of the investment. Apart from those you can consider the following features: Invest and Forget: Now this is one useful feature of small investments. There are some investment options wherein all you need to do is put in the money that you want to invest and forget about it, then, upon its maturity or expiry of time period, one can enjoy the returns. Recurring Annual Investment: On the other hand, one can also choose, the investment option where in you would have to invest a specified amount every year into the option. Now the recurring annual investment is to be treated as a liability as you need to compulsorily invest the said amount into the option, in order to keep it alive and get back the appropriate returns. Return on Investment: The Return On Investment which is also known as ROI, this is the total amount that you would receive back. The ROI is calculated by subtracting the total amount of investment from the total amount received (total amount received - total amount invested). You may also calculate a percentage rate of return on investment to get better overview of the returns which you are going to receive in due course. Time Span: In some cases you would also need to consider the time span and total amount which you would have to keep invested into the option as a unit and compare it with the other investments. Apart from the aforementioned features you can also check some other features such as the provider of the investment option, your own future financial planning and its compatibility with the small investment option which you have chosen, etc.

List of Small Investment Options

The following is a quick list of some of the really good small investments which you can make as of today. A very quick overview of the significant pros and cons, and some of the really good features of the options have also been discussed.

1. Government Bonds and Other Treasury Bills
One of the best ways of stowing away small amounts of money for shorter time periods is into treasury bills and bond. Treasury, bills, notes, bonds, Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS), I Savings, EE/E Savings are some of the best channels, most of which require about only $100 minimum investment. The advantage of such an investment option is that you can pay off the investment and wait till it matures, whereupon you can enjoy the returns. Some of these bonds and State government bonds and municipal bonds are some similar investments.

2. Common Stock, Corporate Bonds and Debentures
There are three types of contributions to the capital of a company. Common stock, corporate bonds and debentures are some of the common ones. All the three can be traded freely, and bonds and debentures also have a certain maturity or expiration dates upon which a certain accumulated interest is also paid off as a return on the same. The bonds and debentures are perfect investments, all you have to do is invest into them and wait for the returns. On the other hand, stocks or rather shares are the investments where you need to keep a tab on the prices of shares in which you have invested.

3. Systematic Investment Plans and Collective Investment Schemes
The Systematic Investment Plans (SIP) and Collective Investment Schemes (CIS) are professionally managed plans, such as mutual funds wherein you need to invest small sums of money periodically in the fund. In case of SIP, the amount that is to be invested, is not specified or mandatory, in fact for certain years, one may not even invest anything. The Collective Investment Schemes on the other hand have a certain mandatory investment is to be invested every year.

4. Roth IRA
Individual Retirement Accounts are probably the best accounts to invest your money into. The IRA can be opened in prominent banks and also in financial institutes and there is not mandatory minimum limit on the amount that can be invested into it. The IRA account is tax-free and it usually has an upper limit.

5. Bank Accounts
Banks offer countless deposit accounts where money can be deposited in any amounts, subject to upper limits and interest can be accrued on them. These accounts offer an interest rate which ranges from 5% to even 10% in some cases. These sort of accounts, are usually deposit-and-forget kind of accounts that offer returns upon maturity. On the other hand, there are also certain types of accounts wherein one needs to have a certain type of recurring payments throughout the time period of the account till maturity.

Author: Scholasticus K

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Discover The Best Way To Invest Money With A Very Little Risk

Invest is the word to express act of investing or laying out funds or capital in an activity with the belief of profit. Investment is the assurance of something additional than money, time, energy or effort, a plan with the prospect of some valuable result, this job calls for the investment of some hard thinking.

In wide terms there are four major investment points cover how you complete most financial objectives, these investment objectives are important because positive products and plans work for one purpose but may produce poor results for another objective, it is quite possible you will apply a number of these investment objectives at the same time to accomplish different objectives without any disagreement. Let's observe these objectives and see how they are different, capital approval is concerned with lasting growth. This strategy is most well-known in retirement plans where investments work for many years inside a qualified plan but investing for capital approval is not restricted to qualified retirement accounts.

If your goal is setting up to hold the stocks for several years, you are satisfied to let them produce within your range, reinvesting payments to purchase more shares. A classic approach employs making normal purchases. You are not very worried with everyday variations but maintain a close eye on the basics of the company for adjust that could affect continuing growth.

At the time of investing, you are essentially betting at least to a certain extent and it is not likely to recognize the result until the betting game is finished. Then only you will come to identify whether you're success or failure. There is nothing definite about investment, in order to benefit from investments you make and need to have a good investment strategy so that you can be a winner most of the times. Nearly everyone keeps thinking that investment policy involves a lot of work but this is not fact. Investment strategy is about investing your money in varied investment so that you can get to your financial goals within a preset period of time. Instance, if you think about investing in stocks of electronic companies. Each type of investment has separate investments.

It is fairly easy to get confused with all the person investments that are available when conducting a research on the different types of investments. Though your investment strategy as to be such so that you can benefit to the highest while taking into account your investment manner and risk tolerance. Risk tolerance refers to the amount of capital you might be ready to invest without feeling the touch. Investment method is about either being conformist or aggressive.

Author: Ranju Kumar

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Long Term Investments

You can easily invest your money in a way that is very safe, that a decent return over a long period of time will show.

First look at bonds. There are different types of bonds you can buy. Bond's are similar to certificates of deposit. Rather issued by banks, however, are bonds issued by the government. Depending on the type of bonds you buy, your initial investment may double over a specific period of time.

Investment funds are also relatively safe. Mutual funds exist when a group of investors together to make their money from stocks, bonds or other investments to buy. A fund manager typically decides how the money will be invested. All you need to do is find a reputable, qualified broker who handles mutual funds, and he or she will invest your money, with money from other customers. Investment funds are a bit riskier than bonds.

Stocks are another vehicle for long term investment. Shares of stocks are essentially shares of ownership in the company you are investing in. When the company does well financially, the value of your stock rises. However, if a company does poorly, your stock value drops. Stocks are also riskier than mutual funds. Even though there is a greater amount of risk, you can still purchase stock in healthy companies like G & E Electric, and sleep at night knowing that your money is relatively safe.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Investment Requests and Distributions

Dynamism of the requests and distributions appear to be common currents for developing investment market, under the conditions of free competition. Possibility of realizing these currents din real economical reality depends on the quality of the market monopolization. Under the conditions of reducing competition, when the elements of the market essentially lose their flexibility, it appears on the face of tendencies.

Analyzing of the discussed currents means appearing forming and consisting mechanisms of balance at the investment market and also action of the factors conditioning changing of the investment requests and distributions.

Factors of the investment requests. Leaning upon wide theoretical and practical researches provided in the western countries we may conclude, that the investment request is characterized by frequent changing and it is formed by numbers of complexes of factors, among which we may separate macro- and microeconomic ones.

An important macroeconomic showing influencing upon the investment requests is the volume of national production. It gives rise to the growth or reduction of the investment requests under other equal conditions. Changing of accumulations of people and cash resources also work in this direction. Herewith, not absolute sizes of these showing, but their conformed meanings: the equality among accumulation and usage within the bounds of the used national product are of conclusive importance.

It is known, that in the market economy they consider savings to be the part of income not used for needs. They are sources for the investment resources. The size of the real resources, which are in the economy at every concrete stage of its development, depends on the fact what priorities make basement to the distribution of the production – current usage or accumulation.

Changing of the norm of savings and investments. Changing of the norm of savings influences essentially upon those ones, which are in progress in the structure of social product. Reducing norms of savings gives rise to the growth of usage and reduction of the investment level. That is the reason for capital exclusion overcomes investments. This ruins balance in the economy. Reduction of savings is also followed by the reduction of the volumes of production, investments and usage. Recovering of other balances on other technological level takes place.

Increasing norm of aid gives rise to another script of economical development, which is characterized by degradation of the usage level and growth of the investment one. Increasing investments gives rise to the accumulation of a capital in the industry after some discussion. The level of accumulation and investments are being increased until achieving optimal meaning from the point of economical firmness. This provides higher level of usage with the help of increasing the volume of savings.

As the experience of the developed countries shows, that they used to achieve high level of average live-stock income when they used to direct important part of social incomes towards savings while realizing structural transformation. There is quite firm positive relation between the share of final product used for investments and that of average live-stock income.

Distribution of incomes of people among savings and usage provides analogue influence upon dynamics of the investment. A well-known statement of J. M. Kains about increasing savings together with increasing received income hasn't been proved by statistic researches provided in this sphere. Conclusion about absolute size during usage and distribution of incomes on savings are shown in the works of J. Duisenberg and F. Modillion.Growth of investments is achieved while increasing share of savings in incomes. Herewith, the role of savings, as investment resource depends greatly upon the influence of such factors, as "increasing preference of cash, development (insurance, social insurance) of those institutional savings, basic part of which are not under the disposal of enterprises interested in capital".

Factors influencing upon the investment requests. The expected rate of inflation influences upon the investment requests. From the most common point of view, fastening inflation rates devaluate those incomes, receiving of which are expected from the investments. Inflations also influences negatively upon the volume of investments with numbers of directions, in the way of impeding economical growth in the long-termed aspects, with the help of reducing processes of widening accumulation and production, devaluating industrial funds of every functional form, inflation tax of profit, also by outflow of cash resources to the sphere of circulation from that of production, reducing real profit and savings, by decreasing the capacity of native market and others. That's why, growth of inflation rates and inflation expectation hinter activation of investment activities and looses the stimuli of widening investments.

Formation of the investment request under the conditions of market economy is related with the functioning of financial market, which supports the movement of investment capital and also profit made out of the invested assets.

Financial credit system forms basic capital of the investment requests by accumulating separate investment savings. In such case important role is played by the banks, which may use not only savings, but also cash resources being in circulation and emission. Conjuncture of stock and credit markets defines conditions of the investment placements and influences upon the volume of the investments. With the help of incomes made out of investments, which turn into the dividends and percents at the financial market, further production of potential investment request, which is realized in the way of reinvestment, takes place.

Percentage rate and investments. State taxation and percentage policies influence essentially upon the dynamics of investments. Their regulation appears to be the lever of the state reaction at the investment request. Reduction of the profit taxation under the equal conditions gives rise to the growth of the share of accumulation used for investments.

Loan percentage rate defines the value of the loan resources for the investments. Growth of the percentage rate strengthens motivation of savings and at the same time reduces and makes the investment unprofitable. While falling of the loan percent, investments appear to be more profitable, that's why reduction of loan percentages rate gives rise to the growth of investment and on the contrary. Herewith, the fall of percentage rate, as a factor of activating investments, has its own borders, as at the definite stage of this fall economical agents prefer to save money in more liquid cash form (J. M. Kain's the Theory of Liquidity), and thus they widen outflow of resources to the sphere of security speculation. This provokes a problem of optimal definition of the percentage rate under the given period, as an excessive fall or growth of percentage rate gives rise to the loss for the investment activities. Thus, the influence of percentage rate upon the investment requests is not completely similar.

Norms of profit and investments. Definition of the influence of percentage rate upon the investment requests might not be complete without comparing it with the norms of the expected profit. Herewith, it's is to be noticed, that not nominal, but real rate of the percentage rate plays essential role for making investment conclusions, as the factor of inflation spoils real orienteer. While comparing loan percentage rate with the norms of profit it is possible to receive undesirable results.

It is to be remarked, that the profit plays double role in the investment activity. It may be discussed as an investment sources and, at the same time main goal of investing. Modern researches, which are related with the salvation of difficult problems of mathematical formalizing of the level and dynamics of the investment request, also manifesting definite basic parameters of the investment requests, prove the existence of definite relation between the profit and investments. For example, according to thw analyzing provided by the economical consulting counsel under the USA president, the most important macroeconomic factors influencing upon the dynamics of investments are:

-      Net profit and depreciation assignments calculated towards gross domestic product;

-      The norm of profit towards depreciation assets (calculated by conforming total profit to the depreciation assignment and foresee changing of the paid loan percent with the size of the depreciation assets by the current restoration prices);

-      Profit norm at the share capital by calculation (calculated with conforming net profit to the waste restoration value of basic capital with the current prices);

-      Market price of the emitted shares towards restoration value of the assets (calculated by conforming total share capital to the waste restoration price of the assets with the current prices).

Investment functions and profit. Foreign researchers obtained definite investment functions by depending on the problems of analyzing, where one of the leading parameters of the investment changing are net profit, the dynamics of the profit norm or expected size of the profit. Investment functions may be represented in the following way:

Investment functions (6.1) and (6.2) characterize dependence of net investments to the volume of the ones of earlier period, accumulated basic capital and the size of net profit. According to the research goals, it is possible to fill them and leading such data into the consistence of parameters, as percentage rate at the long-termed loans of the banks.

In the investment functions (6.1) and (6.2) a special place is occupied by the parameter of basic capital accumulated in the economy, which are leaded into the investment equations of negative relations. It expresses the processes of accumulation and surplus accumulation of a capital during the economical cycle and their relations with the dynamics of the profit norm. This mechanism is expressed in the following: growth of the profit norm activates investment request and the growth of net investments that, in its turn, fastens the process of increasing basic capital. The growth of basic capital after the termed structure starts influencing in direction of overcoming profit norm that, in its turn, reduces investments and thus decelerates increasing rates of the basic capital. This reduction leads further separate growth of the profit norm in the economy that gives rise to the development of the following cycle. Thus the mechanism of investments in the capital provides generating of working conjuncture cycle and it makes one of the mechanisms of positive loopback.

Investment function (6.3) shows the model of investments, which begins from the size of the expected profit. They use data of stock-exchange quotation of the share rate of the companies for measuring expected profit. It makes current valuation of the future flow of the corresponding company incomes on the basis of stock-exchange data of securities. The difficulty of consisting aggregated data of stock-exchange quotation of the company shares gives conditions quite narrow sphere of using the given investment function – on the level of separate firms.

The norm of expected profit belongs to those factors, which influence upon investment request on the microeconomic level. We must also ascribe expenses of realizing investments, expectations, changing in technology and others to it.

Norm of the expected net profit is of significant importance in the system of microeconomic factors. This is conditioned by the fact, that exactly profit makes the motivation for encouraging realization of investments. Investors provide placement of their sources when they expect, that the profit made out of the investments overcomes their expenses.  The higher is the norm of net profit, the more is the investments request. Herewith, investment will be profitable only in case, when the expected norm of net income overcomes real rate of percents. Attracting loan resources loses its conception.

The enterprises compare the norm of expected net profit with the loan percentage rate either during using own resources. According to V. Repke, they invest profit in own firm when the level of profit made out of the investment appears to be higher during the loan percent. Otherwise they will be placed at the capital market.[1]

Thus, percentage rate is the criterion of investment effectiveness. Effectiveness of the investment project must not fall below the loan percentage rate. The percentage rate, which makes basis for evaluating the objects of capital placement of the capital of investment assets, does another important function. I. Fisher characterized percent to be the means for "actualization" of every other income, as the method of evaluating every income in time.

Other factors influencing upon the investment request. Following factor influencing upon investment request is the expenses for its realization. They foresee this factor during calculating the norm of the net profit expected from the investment project. The growth of expenses reduces the norm of the expected net profit and on the contrary. Herewith, as the important parts of the investments are of the long-termed character, they foresee time factor as well. In whole, the more are expanses and terms for their expiation, the less is the level of investment request.

Expectation of the industrial persons, who lean upon following requests, the volume of selling and predictions of profitableness also influence upon the volume of investments. Profit made out of the investments will depend upon the growth of these data. Herewith, the groth of optimal expectation gives rise to the growth of investment requests.

The largest profit is made out of the investments in the innovative production, which guarantee reduction of the expenses of enterprise, improvement of the production quality and growth of the expected norm of net profit. That's why changing in the technologies makes the encouraging factor for the investment requests.

Thus, investment request is formed by the influence of the factors of various kinds and directions, which define their flexibility and dynamism.

Formation of the investment distribution has numbers of peculiarities. From one side, as the distribution of commodity, it is conditioned by such basic factors, as value and, also, not valuable determinants: expenses, fulfillment of technologies, taxation policy, expectations, the level of competition and others; from another, investment distribution is discussed to be specified distribution of commodity, as the investment commodity differs for its ability of making income. This defines characteristic peculiarities of the factor, which is being formed by the dependence upon the level of profitableness.

The norm of profitableness and investments. The norm of profitableness makes basis to the values of financial instruments, which support the movement of real capital. Market price of financial assets shows the quality of attractiveness of the placed sources in the investment commodity.

Percentage rate on deposit in the banking system, the size of which defines the home industry flows, influences essentially upon the investment distribution. Herewith, stock-exchange market and that of the loan capitals makes significant terms for stimulating investment distribution.

As during definite consisting of the investment distribution investment request is oriented towards the profitable assets, we conclude, that the volume and the structure of investment distribution influences upon the volume and structure of the investment request. Herewith, investment distribution is basic factor defining the scales of functioning of the investment market, as it gives rise to the changing of the existed requests on the investment commodity. The mechanism of loopback is not expressed so far. It appears only under the conditions of independent competition.

Achievement of the balance between investment request and distribution is possible only in the total scales of the investment market. Their equalization in the marketing system takes place only in the total scales. Working of the mechanism of the balanced prices doesn't characterize only independent competitive market. This mechanism needs investment commodity and changing of prices on the capital on the basis of balancing request and distribution until there is dynamic balance at the investment market, i.e. until they achieve balanced prices on the investment capital and investment commodity and also synchronization of decisions about their sale and purchase.

The Mechanism of balanced prices. Influencing of the balanced prices upon investment market reflects the specifics of the investment commodity. As we have remarked, this is ability of making profit by the investment commodity. Striving for making more income with fewer expenses makes basement to the making decisions by economical subjects about investments. During definite structure of investment distribution the investors will prefer investment commodity, which guarantee maximal norm of profit at the invested capital under the conditions of minimal risk of investments. High market price of the investment commodity, which is conditioned by its profitableness, makes the impulse for directing important mass of the investment capital in these objects of investments. Relocation of the investment capital, in its turn, widens investment request on distribution of the given commodity that gives rise to the effect of rising price and the effect of increasing distribution under other equal period of time. While increasing distribution of the given investment commodity the market mechanism gives rise to the fall of their prices. That is why investment capital outflows to the more profitable spheres of the investment activities. Finally, the discussed process will be finished with dynamic balance at the investment market.

Herewith, balance under the conditions of pure competitive market means that according to the comparison of the expected level of he loan percentage rate and marginal effectiveness of the capital, decisions about investments give rise to the optimal distribution of the planned investments according to the perspectives of growing profitableness.

Thus, this balance is an ideal economical system, which is characterized with joint proportion of the investment resources and their usage, an optimal realization of economical interests of the subjects of investment activities.

Structure and reality of the investment market. The structure of investment market in the reality is far from the ideal model. Absence of pure competition reduces the dynamism of investment request and distribution, which is displayed only in the face of tendencies, also reduces possibilities of balancing them and, relatively, fixing prices at the balanced level. Potential participants of the investment activity have not equal possibilities at the investment market. They have distinguished possibilities for receiving investment commodity per market price. Large oligopolistic investors are in more advantage situation, then those, which are rivals to each-other.

Thus, investment market in real economical practice doesn't play ideally the function of optimal distribution of investments. Though, this doesn't exclude the need of abstract modeling of economical processes, as exactly this gives rise to the displaying of essential relations and currents, define conditions of balances of those elements, which make the totality of economical phenomenon according to the law of free competition.

Balance at the investment market appears to be partially macroeconomic one. Herewith, it also is essential condition for common economical balance. For example, in the well-known model of J. Hicks "ISLM" ("investments-savings-liquidation-money")the balance at the investment market is the same as the balance of commodity market. That is why this model gained the name of the model dual balance of commodity and money markets.

The model "ISLM" reflectsessential relation between investments and money markets. This relation, to our mind, is the most important peculiarity of the investment market.

It leans upon usage of total parameters for investments and money markets as basic macroeconomic characters of these markets. This is percentage rate and the volume of social production.

The balance at the investment market is achieved in case of equality of investments and savings. As we have already exclaimed, investment volume is defined by numbers of factors, though they state the relations to be researched during the economical dependence not by the totality of variables, but by functional unity of just some of them (this totality is considered to be the paribus of cetera).

They use Vsp (the volume of social production) and Pr (percentage rate) to be the endogenous variables of macroeconomic factors influencing upon investments. Remaining factors are considered to be the exogenous variables. In such case investment formula is represented in the following way:

Where, Iev is the part of the investments defined by exogenous variables.

IS curve expresses combination of the volume of national production and percentage rate, during which investments equal to the savings.

Financial mediators and capital market. Correlation of transformation of the investments and financial marketdefines essential role of this latest in functioning of the investment market. In the first place, it is reflected by the fact that the request of enterprises and firms appear in the financial resources of basic and turnover capital form. In this case distribution of investment commodity turns into the cash-credit form. It is represented in the form of family industry and the savings of firms, which are accumulated in the banking system and are granted by definite percent.

Following peculiarity of investment market is also evident. This is the existence of developed web of those financial mediators, which make realize connection between sellers and buyers of the investment capital. Financial mediators gather separate savings of the family industry and firms in the significant mass of the investment capital, placement of which takes place later between the users of investment.

The existed investment potential is concentrated in the institutions of banking system, which have special possibilities for using traditional cash resources and credit emission. Placement of the capital mobilized by financial mediators may be provided in the form of loans, emission of shares, purchasing bonds or other securities and so on.

Equality of a dividend and percent and investment request. The profit, received from this or that financial assets is divided into dividend and percent. This depends on what form they represent – industrial or loan. Wholly they reflect the norm of profitableness of the produced capital valuables. The equality of dividend and percent shows the structure of the investment request, its distribution between firms and banking system. This equality has the form of market price (rate) of financial instruments at the financial market.

For movement of capital valuables financial instruments fasten reaction of the prices on the changing of the norm of profitableness and thus they guarantee fast outflow. The size of their market price appears to be the indicator of the working conjuncture as a result of dynamism of investment activity. Thus, the mechanism of balanced prices at the financial market turns into the sharper forms of displaying.

Essential peculiarity of the investment market is the role that is played by the percentage rate on it. As we have shown, the size of percentage rate gives rise, in the first place, to the size of the savings of family industries attracted by the credit system, and from another, the norm of profitableness of investments. They evaluate even own potential resources of the firms with the help of percentage rate: if the expected profit is higher, then the percentage rate, they direct it to the investments, in other cases they place them at the financial market – in the form of deposits, purchasing securities and so on.

According to the said above, effective functioning of the investment market may be provided only under the conditions of developed financial market and firm banking system. It this case market foundation of percentage rate, equal conditions for investments in regional and branch aspects, attractiveness of long-termed investments and the level of regulated inflation make important conditions for interaction of investments and financial market.

Marketing mechanism cannot provide these conditions. State regulation must conform to the economical currents on the a basis of which market mechanism reacts on changing conditions, it must foresee prediction of various results of the complex of influencing activities, create conditions for realizing potential possibilities of market mechanism in the form of antimonopoly activities.

Author: lamara qoqiauri

Iraqi Dinar Investment

Iraqi Dinar was introduced after the removal of Saddam Hussain from his chair. Once again it was opened to the investors with a new image in international market. Now it is possible for an individual to purchase and sell it from anywhere over the world. The people are aware of investing in new Iraqi Dinar that can return a significant growth. Nevertheless before such investment some points are to be considered with gravity.

Since Iraq Dinar is always a long time investment we should have a vision mainly on two factors. The changes in global economic condition as well as the economical and political situation of Iraq as dinar valuation are directly related with these two factors. As far as it is the question of international market we have a very clear scene in front of us. After the economical crisis period it is coming out of the recessional condition in a slow pace. Iraq is on the right path and the growth is significant.

It is overall tendency of the investors of Iraqi Dinar to earn fabulous money out of the investment. Considering that issue it can be said that the investors should have to wait for some more time to invest in Dinar. A close monitoring of the actual growth of Iraq is important and that should be felt in all levels.
 The increase in the dinar is related with international currency market and there is every chance of growth of Iraqi dinar as and when Iraq could access in digging the deposits of crude oil. However these are only predications and great speculations. It is better not to take that much risk with so much speculation. However as we consider the previous records of Kuwaiti Dinar and present development of Iraq we can expect a substantial return. 

Another important point should be considered about the authentication of the currency. The new Iraqi currency has some security indications. The investors must check before buying the notes if that are having all authentication marks. There are some good examples of cheating with the investors by supplying invalid notes earlier. For information the new Iraqi Dinar are having a unique serial number in Arabic. The denomination value can be seen in the notes opposite to light. In addition to a horse’s head is also incorporated with a water mark in the note.  Finally it is better to take the consultancy of a professional person who is handing with such investment especially Iraqi Dinar. It can help the investor to buy the authenticated note. 

Making Money With Mexico Investment Property

Many people today are considering buying a second home or vacation home in Mexico. Buyers often only want to spend a part of each year living in the home, since the financial opportunity definitely exists to make enough rental income – and then some – to cover the property's annual costs.

As a result, owning a purely hands-off Mexico investment property is an extremely desirable addition to any portfolio. You can generate income while the property appreciates in value, which is certainly not the case now, or any time in the near future, in the US. But how can this be accomplished?

The first factor to consider is tourism figures. Mexico's Riviera Maya, for example, which lies along the beautiful Caribbean coast, attracts large numbers of visitors, giving you a large pool of potential renters since it is a highly desirable vacation destination. More and more tourists are opting to visit here, staying in homes or condos, rather than having a canned resort experience. And consider this: Mexico's occupancy rates are averaging 65%, even in this harsh economic downturn!

Beyond the numbers of tourists and rates of occupancy, you of course need an attractiveMexico investment property that is in a desirable location. Amenities are key to potential renters and to your success in renting. The type and quality of the amenities your property offers will guide renters to you. Your furniture choices will even make a difference and it is an absolute must to find an excellent property manager; one who will take care of any necessary duties including the cleaning, bill paying, maintenance and repairs. With everything in place, you can expect rentals for 18-24 weeks of every year.

Growth in Tulum is also creating an urgent need for short-term accommodations. Right now, there simply is not enough supply and that gives you an excellent opportunity for profit.

Another alternative of truly hassle-free investing is with a condo-hotel. Your investment in a condo-hotel unit gives you access to a beach resort and the units are fully furnished, often with a guaranteed rental return from the resort hotel. This investment opportunity is completely operational with no work required on your part. You won't have to find renters; there are no condo fees, utility bills, repairs or maintenance to worry about. It's all taken care of, so you just relax and receive your quarterly ROI.

Investment Properties Mexico can guide you through the variety of options for owning vacation property in Mexico, providing you with a home-away-from-home and a significant profit on both your property investment and rental returns. 

Author: Investment Properties Mexico

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Is it Wise to Invest in Software during the Recession?

An article for the HR and Payroll specialists. A review of the current economic climate and why it could be beneficial to invest in HR and Payroll Software.

We, the public, are in-updated with the news of the global recession and the bleak economic factors that coincide every day. Emphasis towards the ever rising unemployment rates and the plummeting profits leaves those at the top with the decisions to make whether to think short term by making what could be knee jerk reactions by cutting costs and laying off the workforce leaving them vulnerable in certain business sectors. Alternatively, the CEO�s could adopt a strategic mindset and invest for a potential long term gain. By employing of smarter spending philosophy companies can actually bolster their competitiveness in the marketplace and also enhance financial stability.

It is all very well saying that there are two viable approaches to tackling the most goliath of downturns, as companies will be bankrupted and go under but for the some companies it is a great opportunity to increase productivity by getting the most out of an apprehensive workforce, investing in business management software or even streamline their business models by outsourcing areas such as Pay and Bill, HR and Payroll and Credit Control.

Company software is a major asset and may offer a future competitive advantage when vying for increased market share when others are unable so it may be worth bucking the trend and investing in the endless vine of software out there, whether it is software for the HR and payroll department, or credit control/finance and accounting software.

Companies are in the recession together, as businesses form a symbiate circle due the nature of the economy, and with this in mind, it is a great opportunity to negotiate the price of outsourcing software�s, increase of new technologies which helps form of competitive advantage and special tax dispenses on computer software for purchases in 2009.

A time of economic downturn immediately suggests that companies have cut back in business capital expenditure, thus B2B companies are actively seeking immediate sales to support their cash flows, so as a company actively seeking to make the most of the recession, there is no better time than now to negotiate for software and advances service afterwards, as the software company will offer more attention and responsiveness to the newly acquired key accounts.

Due to the recent events, there are special dispensing bills in the Section 179 according the IRS website that will enable tax rebate for companies purchasing computing software. By taking the benefits of tax rebated software, it will leave your firm in good standing for when the recession turns around and your competitors are left behind with dated technologies, offering your company a competitive advantage in that area.

A slow economy may dictate the rate in which investment is made, yet if there is a strategic plan set in place in which software is updated and monitored then the transition from the old to the new technology can be done in a financially sustainable way, and if your HR and Payroll software needs updating for example then consider outsourcing a software consultantArticle Submission, as their skills are in less demand and are taking on more SME roles at the moment.��

A recession can be viewed as the end of a financial era and the beginning of a new one and it�s important to have a strategy set out to come out with an increased market share in the new era as competitors have petered out due to lack of investment as not identifying that productivity and efficiency of all operations to be improved and modified in order for survive and future successes.

Author: Jimmy Ireland

how do I Invest in Real Estate?

How to Invest in Real Estate

Investing in real estate is very popular among middle upper class segment. Though mortgage crisis has taken away some of the excitement as it used to be, sudden surge in property prices, and various other economic factors.

However, real estate is very much unlinke the other investments like shares and bonds. It is more of active investment. For example running a rental property or fixing up a house repairs that requires a lot of work than buying a simple house.

Understaing investment in real estate isn�t as easy as it looks. There are lot of hidden things that will consume lot of your time and energy. Even before you go out hunting, you will have zero down the kind of investment you want to make. There are basically two ways for you make money

- By renting out the property.

- Through appreciation of the property�s value.

A very notable example of profiting from rentals was noticeable with the mortgage crises. Rental prices may not always fall in a recession (and may even, whereas property value can drop sharply.

One other investment model would be to totally disregard and focus on finding a property where real estate values have gone so down where it could give you more rental money than the mortgage.

Naturally, most properties will rely on both methods in order to generate a return on your investment, but you should consider both factors when analyzing an investment property.

Investing in Real Estate � Negative Factors

Not only you will be required to analyze the means through which property could generate revenue, you may have to go through every possible option through which it can give you better revenue.

There are some prerequisite before you buy a property in india. And they are inspector, agent, a lawer for a normal home. In case if you are buying a resale home, you should consider the renovation charges at times it requires a lot of work before they are deemed �livable�

Don�t get the mistake of looking it through some rose colored glasses. Never fall in love with a place, its not your home but investment that is supposed to bleed you returns.

How to Invest in Real Estate � Getting a Loan

Unless you have the money to purchase a property up-front, you will need to get a loan for your investment property. Getting a loan for your investment property is much, much harder (especially after the mortgage crisis) then it is for a first-time home-buyer. Banks know investors will default on their investment loans before they default on their own homes and risks are adjusted with that in mind.

Why Invest in Real Estate?

Now that you know how to invest in real estate, you might wonder why would anyone invest in real estate? It is a lot more work and is more complicated than the stock market, and you have to spend a lot of time to manage your properties.

How to Invest in Real Estate Conclusion

Author: Taalib Durden

Friday, January 17, 2014

November 4 Investing For the Future (Christian)

When the storm has swept by, the wicked are gone, but the righteous stand firm forever.  Proverbs 10:25

Be certain that you invest with a bank or savings and loan protected by the FDIC or a credit union insured up to $100,000.  If worse comes to worse, the government will print the money to pay what it owes.

Taken from the Investing for the Future calendar by Larry Burkett.

Author: Marsha C.

Investment in You

This week for me has been very much a week of growth both in knowledge as I find myself wanting to develop my own personal knowledge, new experiences by going back into the gym enviroment and also observation by stepping out what sometimes feels like the fitness bubble and having a good look around at what seems to be happening in the industry right now

I never in a month of Sundays thought I would ever want to slow down, ok, ok I don't mean grab my pipe and slippers just yet! I actually mean slow down, re-educate and evaluate what I am teaching. I love fast pace classes and still thrive off of the buzz but like I mentioned in the USP article so many of us teach these sessions with ever growing quality its becoming hard to stand out from the crowd so here is a question: When did you last study something or train in something because YOU had a passion for it or was interested in it? NOT because of work, money or because the trend is taking you to follow the majority? Ready for some honesty... for me it has been years! A bit more honesty ... The reason I asked myself this is because I had lost 'that' passion I started with over 12 years ago.

So if you are still sat looking puzzled as to where you think I'm heading with my Jackie rant keep reading I promise I will make sense soon.

Wake up call

4 months ago I started working for a big chain as a fitness manager I and have recently found myself falling into the companies ways looking at budgets, sales etc which is my job but something has felt missing. As always I need more than one thing to focus on so I have recently begun work with a company to consult and set up a fitness camp for Joe Public.
All im going to say is WOW it has stoked the fires in my belly (can you tell I'm a country bumpkin lol)and I have loved every minute because its brought me back to where I began ...

Little story

People who are close to me in the industry know my love is for education and also the work I do with clients to help build their fitness and self esteem. I was an overweight and very unhealthy child/teenager until I found fitness and how it made me feel. This was the reason I started in the industry, I was amazed at how the body which is an amazing thing changed. This sparked my thirst for knowledge and all I have wanted to do is share my passion.

Back to the present

So how many of you feel ...

You are doing your true passion?

You have maybe fallen into a system?

You are teaching things you have to?

That maybe you could develop and earn good money from your passion?

You could develop your knowledge, but feel there are not enough hours in the day?

Crunch time!

Due to the credit crunch I have watched clubs start to slowly take classes in house and all my freelance friends run themselves ragged with sleepless nights and teaching any classes available. No one seems to be thinking about the instructors that have for years taught with a passion even classes they didn't want to teach and sometimes investing their own money into the product. If at any time is the right time this is when we should go back to our passion and make money from doing what we love and the knowledge we own.


We are first point of contact we do know what clients want

We work with all the different age groups, skill levels and adapt to all needs

Use your power of knowledge you know a lot more than you think and you have more business, networking and teaching skills than you realise so dig deep. What would you expect from a business and someone that calls themselves a professional?

We are all guilty of this believe in yourself remember we all teach in different style, at different levels with different personalities your are a brilliant instructor with the potential to be even greater.

Treat with care ...

Treat yourself with care! If a client was to tell you they were suffering with Disturbed sleep, chronic fatigue, low immune system, poor appetite, stress etc what would you say? ...Need I say more?!

We are only human and as instructors you are your business so invest in your mind and body. Read books, articles, do courses/workshops they don't need to cost the earth library books are free! It's a 100 times easier to sell a product you are passionate about and that is in good working order.

Advantages of Real Estate Investment in Uganda Compared to Other Business Opportunities

Do you want to start business in Uganda; have you planned what type of business you would wish to start Uganda? I�m happy to tell you that nothing compares real estate business investment in Uganda.

If you are among those People who need to invest their money in something tangible in Uganda Don�t hastate to think about real estate in Uganda.

By investing in Uganda real estate, you can know that your savings are secure and you and you will have a concrete proof of where your savings went. After that, it then becomes an asset that can be kept for a lifetime. And by the way, you can even pass this property to your children and grandchildren if you wish to keep the property.

Uganda business men and other investors will agree that investing in real estate is also a good way of earning money. Remember that in future the value of this property will increase and as the value of properties appreciate moving forward, which always happens, there is every opportunity to gain profits when you decides to sell that property or home.

In Uganda, prices of real estate properties is always affordable especially those properties that are far from the city. Although property investment is good, you should always mind about the prevailing price and market conditions of the area you are targeting. If you want a good deal on real estate investment in Uganda, you should understand the current trend in home prices; analyze the future market prospects of that property before taking steps towards obtaining a mortgage loan

While certain towns in the Uganda are still behind in terms of property and real estate investment, there remains to be bigger towns that enjoy strong economies. Because of their favorable market condition and vibrant economy, and these towns have become ideal places to invest and live in. These include Kampala City, Entebbe Town, Jinja Town, Mbarara, Town, Gulu Town, Fort Portal Town and many others towns in Uganda.

Notwithstanding the availability of affordable properties and homes in these towns, other factors that contribute to their being considered as best places to invest and live are the presence of quality schools , labour and market.

You can go for properties that are on sale but again, be wise enough to take the proper actions. These include finding a land or property in a strategic location, gathering information about comparable properties that have recently been sold within the vicinity of the property you're targeting to buy, consulting a real estate agent and inspecting the condition of the property first through the help of a professional inspector if it has access to water and electricity. I�m sure all these steps will help you make a guided decision and avoid regrets later on.

Author: Twinomugisha Charles

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Investment Gobbledygook

"There are no orphan shares ...istock_000009147687xsmall". A lot of what passes as serious investment commentary is simply "gobbledygook", i.e. nonsense or drivel. It defies share market realities and is at odds with the philosophy that markets work.

Yet, unfortunately, some of the people and organizations generally regarded as finance experts are the main proponents of this gobbledygook. Let's consider a couple of examples.

In a recent article in the "Sydney Morning Herald", a private client adviser of a major stock broker explained why the share market had fallen for the past three days, after a period of strong gains, as follows:

"I think it comes down to a bit of profit-taking. I guess the market is acknowledging we've had it pretty good for the last couple of months and it's time to take a breather."

In a similar vein, the finance reporters on the evening television news will often attribute a rise in the share market, after a period of weakness, to "bargain hunters" taking advantage of lower prices. Sometimes, more glibly, since they believe they are stating the "bleeding obvious", they will explain a rise in the market as due to "more buyers than sellers".

But all these types of comments overlook one indisputable share market fact. That is, for every buyer, there must be a seller - there are no orphan shares. So if a seller is "profit taking", what is the buyer doing? Or, if the buyers are "bargain hunters", what does that make the sellers?

Share markets do not move because of the weight of buyers or sellers. Rather, they respond to changes in expectations of the factors that drive share prices i.e. expected profits and the discount rate used to convert those profits to today's dollars.

Lower current share prices compared with two years ago almost certainly reflect lower expected company profits.
And, perhaps, a higher discount rate (or expected return) to entice investors to take the necessary risk. It is not because investors have "fled" share markets as is often suggested in the financial media. Because, in aggregate, they simply can't.

The Arithmetic of Active Management:

Another prevalent example of investment gobbledygook is the claim that depressed share market conditions are best suited to active, stock picking investors as opposed to passive investors who simply hold share portfolios designed to replicate the market's overall performance.

Since the share market peak of November 2007, hardly a day goes by without a financial journalist opining or quoting some stock broking source that "it's a stock pickers' market". No proof is provided. It is simply asserted.

We recently received an invitation from a major financial institution to a seminar to hear three prominent active fund managers present on why they believed they would outperform the overall share market in these difficult times. The invitation explained:

"At the peak of the bull market most fund managers were able to produce strong absolute returns with ease. Moving forward active management and fund manager skill will play a far greater role."

The implied claims appear to be:

1. now is a good time for active funds management; and

2. you can pick the most skilled active managers.

A response to Claim 2. will need to be the topic of another article. However, in summary, the best available research suggests it is very difficult (some say, impossible) to distinguish luck from skill.

But rebutting Claim 1. doesn't require research - simple arithmetic will do. The essential message of Nobel prize winning financial economist, Professor William Sharpe's classic 1991 paper, "The Arithmetic of Active Funds Management", is that:

-Since active and passive investors make up the entire share investor universe; and

-Passive investors earn the return of the total share market less their relatively small costs

it follows that active investors, in aggregate, must also earn the same total share market return less their relatively high costs.

This will always be the case. There are not good times and bad times for active investors, compared with passive investors. In our view, given the higher costs of active investment, there are only bad times!

The moral of the story ...

Often, in investment markets, propositions that sound plausible, and are being put forward by people or organizations with apparent expertise, prove to be total bunk when subjected to appropriate scrutiny.

As a smart decision maker, serious questions you should ask yourself are:

-Do I have the knowledge and wisdom required to distinguish between often self serving investment gobbledygook and the opinions and research of the world's leading financial economists and behavioral scientists;

-If not, is it the best use of my time to acquire that knowledge and wisdom;

-What are the costs, risks and foregone opportunities of not accessing that knowledge and wisdom; and

-Am I prepared to accept those costs, risks and foregone opportunities?

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Online Degrees: Invest in Yourself

With the declining values of stocks, it is difficult to know which stock will yield the greatest results. Here�s in an insider tip�invest in your self. Online degrees are convenient, attainable, and overall a smart investment. Everyone knows an education is an investment with good returns, not only monetarily, but also in many other aspects that affect your lifestyle such as income, health, and employment prospects.

Online Degrees Can Yield More Income

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics� Usual Weekly Earnings of Wage and Salary Workers Report for the fourth quarter of 2008, the median income of one with a high school diploma as the highest level of education was only $619 per week or $32,188 per year. Investing in yourself with an education can increase your earnings vastly. In fact, if you get a bachelors degree, you can almost double your salary. Referring to the same report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median weekly earnings of those with a Bachelors degree was $1,115 weekly, or $57,980 annually. With more income, you can enjoy more discretionary income to spend or put away towards your savings.

Online Degrees Can Yield Better Health

With an education, you increase your employment prospects not only in number, but also in quality. Rather than working in jobs with unpredictable schedules, short life expectancies and bosses that treat you with little respect, with an education, you can have a professional, quality career. In a professional career, you work with like-minded individuals and peers that work with you rather than against you. You may also work with companies that promote your well-being by investing in your health and mind. Overall, an education will provide you with opportunities to attain a professional career that you can enjoy. A job that you can enjoy will lead to lower stress.

Online Degrees Can Yield Lower Risk of Unemployment

While many jobs today already require a bachelors degree, according to the University Continuing Education Association, of the 19 million new jobs expected to be added between 2004 and 2014, 36 percent will require at least a bachelors degree and 27 percent will require a minimum of some college education. In all, this accumulates to 63 percent of all new jobs requiring a minimum of some college education. By investing in an online degree, you can remain competitive in the workforce and enjoy greater job stability. Furthermore, with an education, you can also enjoy greater promotion aspects, as those with advanced levels of education tend to get more consideration for management or director level positions.

Online Degrees: A Good Investment

Online degrees are an excellent investment. Not only will they give you the satisfaction of attaining a higher level of education, but are also convenient and flexible to attain. Online classes are offered day or night and you can study at your own pace. A major bonus is that you don�t have to worry about driving to a campus and fighting for parking. Furthermore, you may not have to fund your education entirely on your own. Some employers offer tuition reimbursement or tuition assistance programs so be sure to check with your employer to see if they offer any assistance towards education. Additionally, you may also qualify for financial aid or tuition assistance from the government. With all these reasons, you would be crazy not to invest�start your search for online degrees now!

Author: Kimberly Diane

Renewable Energy Investment Trends in India

I was on a hunt on an assignment that required researching on the renewable energy investment trends in India. While doing that, I came across a number of interesting pieces of information and insights. I am sharing some of these with you:

Renewable Energy Investment Could Hit $200 Billion in 2010 � A new report by Bloomberg finds that renewable energy investment may increase by 23% worldwide this year and could hit $200 billion. Renewable energy investment was $162 billion last year, but Bloomberg predicts that it will be somewhere between $175 and $200 billion this year. $200 billion. That�s some number.

Astonfield to Invest $2 Billion in India�s Renewable Energy Sector � Renewable energy player Astonfield ( ) is planning to invest around $2 billion in India over the next five years to generate about 1,000 MW of power. Astonfield Renewable is the Indian unit of the US-based infrastructure major Astonfield Management. Much of the proposed $2 billion investment will be for building solar-powered projects with a capacity of 500 MW. Astonfield has also announced an agreement with French energy major Areva for building biomass power generated plants of 100 MW at an estimated cost of Rs.550-630 crore. See also:

What are the Next Steps if I am Interested in the Solar PV Industry?

Know more from the Solar PV Advisor

Renewable Energy Investment Increase in Emerging Countries � Financial investments in renewable energy in emerging nations increased from $1.76 billion in 2001 to $65.86 billion in 2009 at a CAGR of 57.63% for the period 2001-09. China led the investments in Asia, with a total investment of $11.48 billion, mainly in wind and solar PV projects. Total investment in India grew over 100% to $7.17 billion in 2009, of which equity offerings accounted for $3.6 billion. In 2008, India�s renewable energy investment had grown by 12%, with an investment of $3.7 billion �

Indian Solar Investment Signals Greater World Bank Support for Renewable Energy � The first commercial utility solar project in India by Azure Power received a $10 million investment from IFC, a World Bank affiliate as the international lending agency steps up its support of renewable energy in emerging economies. It also marked IFC�s first investment in solar power and its first clean tech investment in South Asia. The World Bank Group has pledged to increase its investments in alternative energies by more than 20% a year. In fiscal 2009, the group boosted support by 24% to $3.3 billion. �

India Renewable Energy Investment Break-up � In 2008, the total investments in renewable energy was about $ 3.7 billion. It is instructive to see where the money went. * Wind energy sector grew at 17% from $2.2 billion to $2.6 billion. Well, in fact wind dwarfs everything else. * Investments in solar grew an impressive 1800% to $ 347 million over 2007, but this awesome number was possible only because the investment in 2007 was pathetically low � $18 million. The major part of investment in solar energy has been spent for setting up module and cell manufacturing facilities. * The investment in small hydro projects grew about four-fold to $543 million in 2008. * Biofuels � The growth in biofuels fell by 80% from $251 million in 2007 to $49 million in 2008.

Energy Efficiency Could Save India 183.5 Billion kWh � With an investment of US $10 billion dollars in energy efficiency improvements, India�s economy would benefit from its potentially vast annual energy savings of 183.5 billion kilowatt hours, according to a new report from the World Resources Institute (WRI). . One can expect significant investments to pour into the energy efficiency segment in India, as this is a low hanging investment fruit that can produce almost immediate returns with attractive payback periods for the companies investing in such projects.

India�s Power Sector will Require Hundreds of Billions Over Next Decade � India could require about $250 billion investments over the next eight-nine years if it wants to grow at a moderate 7.5-8 percent compound annual rate, according to a CII report ( Oh OK, another report says that would be $600 billion, not $250 billion, thank you! � �India will need to spend $600 billion on adding capacity to meet electricity demand, which may triple to 3,35,000 megawatts by 2017 if the current growth rate is maintained, according to consultant McKinsey & Co.� �

Author: Narasimhan Santhanam