Thursday, May 16, 2013

Now YOU Can Invest Like The Rich at a FRACTION of the cost!

Through the use of the little known and private world ofBank Debenture Trading Programs the average person has beengiven the opportunity to invest in the same arena as the"Big Boys!"

These Bank Debenture Trading Programs used to be out of thereach of the average person...

...until now!

The arena of high profit investing, coupled with highSecurity, has always been the domain of the super rich. Onlylately have the doors opened to a select few people to investin terms that we can comprehend.

These investments START at $ 10,000,000 US! There was no wayfor the average citizen to even dream of using these secureinvestment forums. There are some new groups of people outthere now who are opening the doors to the "little guy" tojoin together with like minded people to POOL theirinvestment capital into the minimum participation level.

But, I'm getting ahead of myself. Lets start here:


Also referred to as a secured asset management program, thisis an investment vehicle commonly used by the very wealthy where the principal investment is fully secured by a Bank Endorsed Guarantee. The principal is managed and investedto give a guaranteed high return to the investor on aperiodic basis. There is no risk of losing the investor'sprincipal investment.

This investment opportunity involves the purchase and saleof Bank Debentures within the International Market in controlled trading programs. The program allows for the investor to place his funds through an established ProgramManagement firm working-directly with a major Trading Bank.

A Bank-Endorsed Guarantee by the Banking Institution securesthe investment funds at the time the funds are deposited.The Investor is designated as the Beneficiary of the Guarantee unless otherwise instructed by the Investor. Theguarantee is issued to secure the Investor's principalfor the contract period. This guarantee will be BankEndorsed with the Bank Seal, two authorized senior Officers'signatures, and will guarantee that the funds will be on deposit in the Bank during the contract period and will be returned fully to the Investor at the end of the contractterm.

The Investor is also guaranteed by the Program Directors, bycontract, that they will receive what is in effect a percentage of each trade made by the Trade Bank. This can be in the form of a guaranteed profit/yield paid on a periodic basis upon terms as set forth in the contract.

The Instruments to be transacted under the Buy/Sell Programare fully negotiable Bank Instruments, delivered unencumbered, free and clear of any and all liens, claims orrestrictions. The Instruments are debt obligation of the Top One Hundred (100) World Banks in the form of Medium TermBank Debenture of 10 years in length, usually offering 7-1/2% interest, or "Standby Letters of Credit" of one yearin length with no interest, but the profits are distributedaccording to the agreement and the process repeats for theduration of the contract.


Operations will take place approximately forty (40)International Banking Weeks per year, with specifictransactions taking place approximately one or more timesper week depending on circumstances. Although there are 52weeks in a year, there are only 40 International bankingweeks during which transactions take place. AnInternational Banking week is a full week, which does notinclude an officially recognized holiday. However, thisdoes not preclude that transactions may occur on shortweeks that have a holiday.


The answer is that these programs have been available,though not widely known, for years. However, because of theextremely high minimum requirements to enter them, only afew could qualify. The minimums have been 10 to 100 milliondollars previously. Only recently have the smaller minimumsbeen available so that more can qualify and yet have theopportunity to earn exceptionally high and safe profityields. Also, the Investor must be "invited in", to participate in these very limited enrolment programs.

Individual programs can quickly become filled and are thenclosed to further Investor participation.


By leasing assets, usually in the form of United Statesgovernment Treasury Bills, for a fraction of their facevalue, the ability to purchase and subsequently resell bankinstruments in large quantities is possible. This is theprincipal on which leveraged trading programs revolve. Theleased assets provide the collateral against which theinstruments are purchased and resold, with the entireprocess taking only one or two days to accomplish.

The large profits produced by trading programs are createdby the difference between the purchase cost and resale priceof the instruments. Even with a net profit of four percentper transaction, the process of buying and selling can beperformed several times each week, providing for profitswhich make the return on other investments pale bycomparison. A four percent profit produced just onceweekly for forty weeks would total 160%.

By leasing assets, the profit is generated on a much largeramount of instruments, greatly increasing the total dollarprofit.

This is just a shortPsychology Articles, simplified layout. You can find moreinformation on this subject at: - under The Private PlacementProgram.

Author: Dave Laforge

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