Monday, April 8, 2013

Making Your Money Work For You

Do you ever get frustrated of living paycheck to paycheck? Do you want to get a nice little egg nest going for your future and your kids future? Do you ever ask yourself how you can become more financially secure? How you will be able to afford a family vacation?

We asked ourselves those very same questions, went through those same thoughts, getting more and more frustrated. Sure, we were making enough to pay our bills, and buy food and provide for our two little kids, but we barely had any money left over by the time those needs were taken care of for anything for ourselves, and we did not have much money set aside for any emergencies that may have arisen. We were so frustrated for months, not knowing what to do to get ahead in life. We got caught up in one of the “get rich quick” scams, and lost a little money, which left us even more frustrated. We came to the conclusion that we needed to make our money work for us, and that in turn, we would get more money and more financially secure as the time goes on.

How do we get our money working for us. We need to invest any spare amount that we have. There are many ways to invest your money now days, that you can invest anywhere from a couple hundred to several thousand. You can invest in real estate and get up to a 15-20% return, you can invest your money in the stock market and get up to 7 to 10% return on your income, or you can invest in an online business and can get up to 30 or 40% return, You will need to make sure that you research whatever avenue you decide very thoroughly so you know what to expect. You will end up get more money on your return and you can either keep turning that around and get more and more of a nest egg built up for your and your family’s future, or just cash out, whatever you decide.

A couple years ago, we decided to invest in some real estate. We bought a repossessed house, spent three months fixing it up by painting it, changing the floor, redoing the roof, fixing up the landscaping, putting new cabinets and new appliances and new lighting. We sold it a few weeks after we had put it on the market and walked away with a $20,000 check when it was all said and done. Not to bad for three months of work!

Whether you decide on where to exactly invest your money, do plenty of research. If you invest in real estate, research the current housing market in your area, research the location of the property you are looking at, research different prices for all the things you will buy, and so forth. If you decide to invest in the stock market, do research on what stocks are doing the best, their points, and what kind of return you can expect to get and in what time period. If you decide to invest in a new business, online or not, research what type of business it is, the interest of that particular business and your competition.

There are many other types of investments, you can do. I can not stress enough how important it is to research. You cannot research too much. The more the better, and it will help you out more in the long run. Let’s get your money working for you so you can stop living paycheck to paycheck!

Author: Ben L

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