Tuesday, April 30, 2013

To increase One's Interest, Invest in Superior Equity Group

Why would a person try to invest in gold coins? Does investing in gold coins more profitable than investing in real money? Gold is a precious metal that is used as coinage and jewelry, among others. It has served as a store of value and as a emblem of wealth since the beginning of history. Gold standards have been used as a basis for monetary policies. Currently, gold coins have become a popular investment. Gold's essential quality is its role as a primary asset; this means that gold is different from other assets in such a way that it does not rely on bonds and bank savings, performance of the management, or the stock system.

A lot of people would buy gold coins as a safe haven against any economic, political, or social problems that would entail investment market declines, inflation, and money collapses. In these kinds of national crises, these people dread that the currency may become worthless. With this, they see gold coins as a solid investment that will always have value; thus, the demand for gold rises. Gold is an investor's friend in instances where the stock and bond markets are down. In this way of thinking, investing in gold means being safe from financial failures and investing in the long run.

A person should buy gold when he or she needs it. Whether it is simply to profit on on price movements or to have a long-term preservation, a person can opt to buy gold coins. The real goal of a person buying gold should be to diversify his or her investments so that his or her overall wealth will not be compromised by economic dangers and uncertainties. However, in buying gold, a person cannot approach gold like the way other people approach other investments like stock or real estate. Gold coins experience increase in demands whenever there is some problems in the global financial markets. With this increase in demands, the supply of gold coins decreases; thus, a person may not be able to acquire gold like ordinary consumer purchases. Thus, it would be essential to buy gold coins before financial crises and collapses in global markets.

In order to have a way to see the available options in investing in gold coins, a person can go to Goldisequity.com. This site will give a person a background in having an investment in gold and protecting one's interest by buying gold coins. The people in Superior Equity Group will help a person in securing his future and provide a person in having a stable investment that will not be shaken by uncertainties in the financial and global markets. These people will also help a person in guiding him or her to be a more secured and more stable investor.

Author: Allan Michael Taylor

Etegameno presents lucrative investment opportunities in Namibia

Etegameno presents lucrative investment opportunities in Namibia

Etegameno Investments offers three lucrative investment opportunities in Namibia that are expected to yield high returns. Harnessing Namibia's rich natural resources, Etegameno presents an investment model that turns these abundant resources into wealth, mutually benefiting investors and the natives. Related Articles Development of the Groot Town Center Ecosystem in Namibia is Tantamount to Helping Namibia Realize Full Employment Opportunities Indian SMEs Carving a Niche in Namibia Invest in Marine Diamond Mining - High ROI Africa's business competetive disadvantages don't have to adversely affect corporate social accountability

Ranked as number two by The World Travel and Tourism Council, Namibia has the distinction for experiencing the maximum long-term growth in the tourism economy after China. This will positively influence the Namibian Gross Domestic Product in the coming years. The Namibian people will also enjoy increased employment opportunities through growth in tourism.

The three investment opportunities available on Farm Tsumore are:

• The Farm Tsumore Game Lodge
• A Bush to Electricity Enterprise
• The Jatropha Plantation / Biodiesel Refinery

The Farm Tsumore Game Lodge

Farm Tsumore is spread over 4 433 hectares of flatland and hills around the beautiful Lake Otjikoto. Conveniently located just seven kilometers from Tsumeb and 118 kilometers north-east of the Etosha pan, Farm Tsumore has plenty of water and receives its power from NamPower.

The location of the proposed Tsumore Game Lodge is gifted with picturesque natural beauty, abundant game and wild life and rich biodiversity making it a much sought after ecotourism destination for nature lovers.

Attractions include the Etosha National Park, historic local mining towns, safaris, scuba-diving tours, the world's largest meteorite, Hoba, camping, hiking, and much more. A luxurious African safari lifestyle in a serene yet exciting setting awaits investors!

Jatropha Biodiesel

The oil-rich Jatropha plant grows on Farm Tsumore. Etegameno plans to leverage the Jatropha plant as a precious source of biodiesel, reducing the carbon footprint. Compared to fossil fuels, the processing of the Jatropha plant for biodiesel is much more cost-efficient and releases only one fifth the emissions. The processing of Jatropha oil results in valuable by-products that include latex, fertilizer and feed for livestock.

On a global scale, Jatropha biodiesel will have a major impact as there will be a huge demand for environmentally friendly fuel because of the increasing threat of global warming. The cost of Jatropha biodiesel is around US$75 per 200L barrel. With the production of Jatropha biodiesel, Etegameno will ensure that Namibia's expenditure on oil imports is drastically reduced. For investors, money invested in the cultivation of Jatropha plants and commercial production of Jatropha biodiesel means extremely profitable returns. The demand for fuel alternatives will always be on the rise and with fossil fuels depleting at an alarming rate, the production of Jatropha biodiesel will help in a big way. Find out more about this investment opportunity.

The bush-to-electricity investment opportunity is an innovative investment opportunity for the investor's portfolio in the form of high returns. The invader bush on Farm Tsumore and surrounding farms, which was viewed as a problem for farmers and livestock is now a lucrative investment option. More than ten million hectares of bush will be converted into an economical electricity generating project that will benefit the natives by generating employment and steady income. The electricity produced will power the area on a long-term basis.

Namibia, among other South African Development Countries, is presently experiencing an electricity shortage that can be fulfilled by renewable energy technologies such as wood gasification. In the bush-to-electricity process, the wood for electric plants will come from the bush. The land thus reclaimed will be used to increase the production of livestock, farming, cultivating Jatropha crops, pasture for livestock and much more. Read more about the bush-to-electricity investment opportunity.

How investors can profit from Farm Tsumore

Investors have the option of investing in one or all three of Farm Tsumore's investment opportunities and enjoy lucrative returns on investments from the high profit margins. Investors also gain a 40% ownership in the new company with controlling interests and future enhanced shareholding options. Farm Tsumore gives investors a chance to be part of Namibia's national growth.

Etegameno Investments will manage the entire project from concept to completion and this includes preparing contracts, land leasing, new company registration, liaison with local authorities etc. As a joint venture partner with the new Namibian company, Etegameno will also oversee the day to day operations of the business. Etegameno invites investors to benefit from Farm Tsumore, contact us for more information.

Author: Etegameno Investments

How Much Should I Invest in the Stock Market?

Many investing books say you must invest a certain portion of your capital in stocks and the rest in bonds. The figures vary, some say 50% in the stock market is too much, others say 20% is better and others believe that anything less than "everything" is a complete waste of time for the investor.

But really, how much should I invest in stocks?

The answer depends on several factors. The first is the investor's risk tolerance. If you always had money invested in a simple savings account, you will have psychological difficulties in investing all your money in stocks. Likewise, if you're an entrepreneur which is not used to any certainty in your life, you will probably feel more comfortable with the ups and downs of the stock market.

The recommended approach is that the investor should not invest a portion of his money that causes discomfort in the near future. If desired, you can always increase your investiments later, when you are better prepared.

The second factor is the purpose of investing and age. A teenager will have much more to gain by investing in equities than people older than 80 years. If you are middle age person, it pays to reduce the amount of investments in equities to get bonds, which are way safer.

It makes sense to invest a lot if you're young and if you're just a little older. In the case of a young man, if he loses anything, he has his whole life before his eyes, he can still recover everything and more later. But if he put all his money in bonds, he is really wasting his time.

On the other hand, if you're old and already has the assurance of a secure source of income in bonds, it doesn't makes sense to invest much more in equities just because you will not need the money anyway. Plus, what if somethin happens (like, hmm, the 2008 crisis) and you lose all your savings in the stock market? That's not great, is it?

Therefore, as your getting older, you should become a more conservative investor.


Obviously there are exceptions. Most investors are not professionals. However, if you know the market like the palm of your hand, go on and keep investing in stocks. Warren Buffett has already passed the age at which normal people would be advised to stay away from equities but still remains firm and strong in investing. But Buffett knows what he's doing, he knows how to invest in the stock market.

Author: Peter Corrs

Monday, April 29, 2013

Selecting the best mutual funds to invest!

The future holds surprises for everyone but no one exactly knows how good or bad they will be. While some people might strike gold, others might have to face critical situations. It�s better not to risk the future since if at all it�s not favorable, you will be left in deep crisis. For ensuring a safe and sound future, you should start investing early on in life. And by investment, we don�t mean stashing away money in your savings account. It is surely good to have money in the savings account but if you�re relying on your savings account to multiply your money manifolds, it won�t be possible since you don�t receive good interest rates.

Then where should you invest your money? The secret to good investments is to consider mutual fund investment. It is a form of investment that builds a strong portfolio and puts your money at various places such as insurance schemes, fixed deposits, bonds etc. Also, mutual funds consist of various investors who pool in money together. When there�s a lot of money involved, even profits are enormous! This is why people prefer mutual funds over other means of investments. The returns on investment are quite high and if you plan to invest your money for long term, you can keep on receiving dividends and gain profits lifelong.

While investing in mutual fund companies, you should do your homework well. Some firms might paint a fancy picture in order to lure you but if you are well prepared, you can make well informed decisions in time. Every mutual fund has expenses associated with it. The fund manager needs to be paid money for his services and the charges pertaining to printing and stationery are also borne by the investors. Make sure you have a written sheet of all the expenses before you invest your hard earned money.

One simple tip to invest is to make sure your investments are diversified. By diversification, we don�t mean investing in 10-12 firms all of which are in the banking sector! Make sure the sectors are as apart as possible because this way, your investments can be balanced well. Else, if one sector fails, all your investments will fail miserably. Also, there�s no one best mutual fund to invest. It all depends upon the market position at that point of time. If the conditions are favorable, you should opt for investments. Else, you should play safe and choose another mutual funds best performing at that time.

You should take care of a few things such as the reputation of other co-investors in the mutual funds, how experienced and well educated your fund manager is, what are the types of investments he�ll make on your behalf etc.

Author: advisor

Invest in Your Salvation

Are you constantly on the lookout for the perfect investment property that will yield immediate dividends, will provide long-term benefits, and will consistently increase in value? As real estate investors, this is exactly the sort of value we strive for. However, economic times are tough, and life for many people is getting increasingly difficult. I want to discuss an investment that will pay huge dividends today � with the promise of much greater returns in the not-so-distant future.

Everyone realizes that they�re only going to live for a certain period of time. They buzz through life, amassing all the material things they can so they can ensure a comfortable retirement. What then?

Then comes retirement � and if they�ve played their cards right and invested wisely, they can while away their remaining years in relative comfort, jet-setting around the globe, enjoying new experiences, and generally enjoying their retirement years.

What then?

Have you given any thought to where you�ll spend eternity?

A lot of real estate investors would rather not delve into trying to answer this question because there�s always one more deal to close, another property they�d like to investigate, another quick sale they�d rather make.

The reality is: We�re all terminal. None of us is going to live forever, so instead of wondering about what�s going to happen when you die, educate yourself � and make a decision that will ensure eternal returns.

There is a simple investment you can make today that will have a profound impact on your future. I�m referring to your salvation. It�s the best investment you�ll ever make. Look at the benefits and then tell me if you agree.

� It�s a no money down deal � In real estate investing, the best deals are those that allow you to leverage your investment. By investing in your salvation today, you can ensure your eternal salvation without a hefty down payment, banks, hard money loans, or financing of any kind. As a matter of fact, your financial standing has absolutely no impact on your ability to ensure your eternal salvation. When you�ve inked your last real estate deal and it�s time to cash in your chips, the money you have will not matter. What will matter is whether you had the wisdom and the faith to reap the eternal rewards by taking just a couple of quick and easy steps.

� It�s a cash-free transaction � Regardless of the deal you can negotiate with even the most motivated seller, you�re either going to have to pay for a property investment with cash or you�re going to have monthly payments and interest charges to contend with for however long you�ve financed a property. Investing in your salvation doesn�t require monthly payments. Furthermore, there�s no note to sign.

� It�s a tax-free transaction � While politicians of all political stripes make promises they seldom fully live up to, there�s one thing you can count on: Eventually, you have to pay the piper. The best Uncle Sam can offer you is to defer taxes � but at some point either you or your descendents will have to pony up some money to the government. Your eternal salvation has no hidden taxes or punitive tax rates. The best part? You can reap the rewards of eternal life without fear of a change in the rules of the game � and there�s nothing the government can do to stop you or restrict the benefits.

� The benefits never end � Most tax write-offs are only available for a certain period of time or if you�re willing to jump through an endless set of government hoops. If you don�t toe the line, the government can yank your tax benefits � or even increase your taxes � anytime they like. Your eternal salvation is just what the phrase suggests: ETERNAL salvation.

Your eternal salvation is serious business � with eternal implications. We will all live forever. The question isn�t if you�ll live forever. That one has already been settled. The real question is WHERE will you live forever? You may think you can simply defer thinking about this for a rainy day. You may think that a place like Hell doesn�t exist. What if you�re wrong?

I�ve made an investment in my eternal salvation. I KNOW where I�m going when I die. Do you? If you don�t � or you haven�t given it much more than a passing thought � I strongly urge you to think about it a lot in the coming days and weeks.

Eternity is a long time.

Invest wisely.

Your eternal salvation is yours for the taking today. You have to have faith in the investment and a strong belief with every fiber of your being that the investment is the right one. In this case, you�re not simply relying on the word of a motivated seller who will say anything to close a real estate transaction. Because in this case, the �seller� is Almighty God. He isn�t motivated by the hope of a quick buck in a hot real estate market. He�s motivated by love.

When you step into eternity, make sure you�re stepping into the right eternity. Invest today in your eternal salvation. Imagine for a moment how you�ll feel when you do � and you�re greeted warmly and shown to your Golden Palace for all of eternity.


Eternal bliss.

Make your investment today.

Charrissa Cawley has a long standing reputation for excellence as a gifted speaker, real estate trainer and wealth coach. Her strength lies in training entrepreneurs in the areas of real estate, investing and financial literacy. Her passion is bridging the gap between learning and doing. She has helped thousands of entrepreneurs all over the world seeking financial growth by equipping them with the tools, resources and specialized knowledge to succeed. Charrissa offers accurate and proven strategies to investors of all different levels and is the founder of http://www.reiconferences.com, one of the fastest growing real estate investment training organizations in the US in addition to http://www.rewexclub.com , the top rated Real Estate Investor Community on the web today.

Author: Charrissa Cawley

Sunday, April 28, 2013

How and Where to Invest Your Money

However much cash you have to invest, it is wise to consider all your options before you decide where to put it. This article covers some of the basic points to be aware of.

There are many different ways you can invest your surplus cash. For instance you can put it in a savings account, and indeed many people do this every single day. This is the simplest way of saving money, but it does not buy you the best possible return.

One point to bear in mind is that the bigger the potential return is on an investment, the more risk there is that will be attached to it. For instance you can invest in stocks and shares but their value could drop at any time, as well as having the potential to improve vastly at any time. People always like to say they wish they could have invested in one of the world�s biggest brands back when it was just starting out. But hindsight is a precise thing, and choosing your investments today for the future isn�t as easy.

One key thing to remember is to spread the risk by investing in different things. For example you might look up agricultural commodity prices and decide to invest some money here. But you wouldn�t put all your money into a single agricultural commodity. Instead you would spread your money into perhaps three or four different areas. Maybe you would look into grain futures for example, or perhaps something else entirely.

Of course not all investments are to do with trading in this sense either. You can opt for long term bonds to get an income from them rather than opting for something like an agricultural commodity. Not every is designed to invest in grain futures, although some people would enjoy the experience. The trick is to find the best options for you, so you can invest your money wherever you feel happiest.

The best place to begin is to work out how much money you have to invest. You can then work out how best to split it into different investments. Some investments may require a minimum amount. For example shares are best bought in relatively large amounts; you wouldn�t just buy one or two. Similarly some investment schemes require certain amounts so you need to be sure you can afford to invest in them. If you wanted to invest in commodities you would find out what the agricultural commodity prices are before doing so. This will all give you additional information to use for your own benefits.

As you can see it is wise to plan ahead and do your research before finding out what you can expect to earn from your investments. Don�t get bogged down in working out whether you have a good investment in mind or a bad one. There is always a certain amount of risk involved, and doing your research first will help to negate it somewhat.

Author: Samuel Arthur

Investment Tip: Invest in What You Know

All sorts of people have all sorts of advice how to make money. Some of it is good, and some of it is bad.

How do you sort out the difference?

No One Right Answer, but�

Obviously, having experience will help you sift through the bad opportunities to find the good ones, but even seasoned pros make mistakes. Just take a look at how many people that are old enough that they should be retiring, but they cannot.

There are several things that you can do, but one of the biggest things is to stick to investing in areas that you know.

Often, it�s tempting to jump into other waters. You hear many people talk about the next newest �hot thing.� They make it seem so exciting, and it is�until they lose their shirt.

I�m not saying that everyone will lose their shirt, but often more people will than will not.

Check out the dot com stocks of the late 1990�s and early 2000�s. They were trading for absurd amounts. The problem was that the prices kept getting even higher. Was there no end? If I don�t get it now, I�ll miss my chance.

That�s right! You�ll miss your chance�to lose BIG TIME. By the time YOU are hearing about it, everyone else has, too.


When you know your area, you generally know well before anything gets reported. This makes sense, because it is YOUR expertise. It is a lot harder for you to overlook something when you�re fluent in it.

Let�s tie this into Real Estate

There are many awesome opportunities for great investment deals on Detroit properties. However, there are a lot of areas that offer more trouble than it�s worth. Unless you know the area, how can you know?

In fact, there are a lot of investors in different parts of the country and outside of it. Many of these investors see the numbers and become enamored with making great passive investment opportunities. They should, because there are a lot of great chances here.

However, if you do not know the area, you can make a bad mistake really quickly. You buy a property that really is burnt to the ground or it should be. Perhaps, you buy a beautiful looking home in an area that nobody wants to live.

If you don�t know an area, you need to find someone who does and is willing to help you. Then you can make a more educated decision, and that is your BEST protection against making a bad investment.

Author: Chris Wechner

How to Invest in Real Estate

With the bust in the housing bubble and all the foreclosures, real estate investment might just be the best place to bank your money! Don't let the housing bubble burst deter you. The fact that there are so many properties to choose from right now and that too at relatively throw-away prices, land investment might just sound like a good investment decision right now. As it is, one tends to hold a property for a long period, and hence you may also consider it as a pretty good retirement planning to sell the property later!

Property Investment

If invested correctly, your real estate investment will earn a lot and provide a good source of income for many years. A few things have to be kept in mind while investing in real estate. A real estate investment decision has to be well-thought out. It may be a good idea to invest in a newly developing area. The land can be purchased quite cheaply and the rent in these places will always go higher.

The Good Old-Fashioned Real Estate Investment
Real estate investment can be done in two ways. If you have funds lying idle in your bank account, it may be a wise decision to buy property with those funds. This way you make a one time expenditure and earn a rent over the period for which you hold the land. You might also sell it off later, if you think the price is right and you are earning a good enough profit. The other slightly risky way of property investment is to get external real estate financing from banks. You can then rent it out to someone at a slightly higher rate than what you pay as mortgage. This way I consider to be risky because if you are unable to find a tenant for your land, you have the risk of not earning anything on your investment, and furthermore paying a mortgage.

Real Estate Investment Groups
Being a landlord has its share of problems. Since the ownership is yours, the problems that come with it are also inescapable. Tenants come in all types. Some might default on payments, some might cause some breakage in the house. You may cut it out from their initial deposit, but fixing it is still your headache, right? Not, if you go for a real estate investment group.

A real estate investment group can be considered as the mutual fund amongst real estate investments. Such a real estate investment group builds apartments and condos and then invites people to invest in them. So instead of taking a loan from a bank, investors will pay the mortgages to the real estate investment group, while it takes care of all the maintenance issues themselves. Of course for this service, they may charge you a percentage of the rent you receive.

Real Estate Trading/Flipping
This type of investment is suitable for the adventurous among us. Flipping is where an investor buys property in a low-priced area, but where the demand looks like it is going to pick up. The investor does not buy the property with an intention to rent it, but to resell it after a few months when the price picks up. He might not choose to wait for the best price, and might sell it when he feels that he has made enough profit on the land. It is a very risky proposition because if the investor is not able to sell the land, he will end up making a huge loss.

Author: Arjun Kulkarni

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Learn to Invest Money: More Corporate Investment Myths Debunked

Ever wondered if you�d be better off with an independent financial consultant or investing your stocks yourself than with a huge investment firm? To understand the answer to this question you must first be able to separate investment fiction from investment fact.

The key to sorting through all the �noise� that investment firms and financial consultants throw at you is to be able to deconstruct the myths they propagate. What is ultimately so confusing about working with big investment houses is that they combine fact and fiction into a top-notch convincing marketing campaign to get you to turn over your dollars to them.

For example, let�s consider the often repeated investment firm strategy of being fully invested in the market at all times no matter if the market is up or down. I believe in this theory because even if the market is tanking in the U.S., there is always still good money to be made through put options or by investing in other parts of the world. However, I do have a problem with the way Wall Street firms use fear to achieve this. Let's re-visit the commonly quoted fact that:

�If you had missed the best 90 performance days in the market from 1963 to 1993 your average annual return would have dramatically fallen from 11.83% to 3.28% a year.� (Source: University of Michigan)

If we were to analyze this statement, then it is quite reasonable to analyze the assumptions behind this statement. Is it truly realistic to think that anybody�s luck would be so bad as to miss the best 90 days over 30 years even if they chose to be in and out of the market at certain times. What are the chances that they would miss all 90 of the best performing days? One in a million? See how deeply flawed this argument is. And this is the argument that financial consultants always use to sell you in staying fully invested. In fact, this selling point is often combined with the strategy of Modern Portfolio Theory, the name in of itself which is a misnomer. �Modern� portfolio theory was once revolutionary, when it was developed, back in the early 1950�s.

In simple terms, modern portfolio theory calls for diversification of your stock positions across various sectors and industries to offset the potential of a poorly performing sector. In other words if you own stocks in trucking and shipping companies, then you might want to own oil companies as well, because if oil companies lag, then that translates into cheaper fuel costs for trucking and shipping companies, and this sector should offset lagging performance in the oil industry. The only problem with this theory is that you are not trying to create a zero sum game with your stock portfolio, but instead, trying to consistently find winners.

The big firms will tell you that it�s impossible to predict what industries will be up in certain years and what industries will be down, so that is why Modern Portfolio Theory is necessary. Again, I view this is a myth designed to build smoke screens to confuse the average investor. In today�s information technology age, access to information is so good that it is possible to predict what sectors will trend upward in a given year, and even to predict at times, what sub sector within those sectors will trend upward. But as I mentioned before, this takes time, and time is money with big investment firms.

In fact, access to information is so good today, that to stay ahead of the investment curve, every firm should be teaching their financial consultants how to access information through blogs, government websites, company websites, and political and technology websites instead of pounding outdated concepts into their brain. The information technology revolution is precisely why independent financial consultants have earned 20% gains for their clients during times the S&P was down more than 20%.

Big investment houses will tell you that individual stock selection is not nearly as important to your performance as being invested in the right sectors. This is another myth. If you really give this more than two seconds thought, does this statement make any sense?

Do you truly believe that if you own a mining company in Canada versus one in the United States that may own rights to drill in completely different geographical locations that this will not matter to the stock price of these two companies? Do you really think that if you own internet companies in India versus internet companies in Japan, that the vastly different stages in the growth cycle of this industry between these two countries will not make a difference to the performance of your portfolio? Do you truly believe that if you invest in nanotechnology firms with a world leader like the U.S. versus nanotechnology firms in Russia, that it doesn�t make a difference? I could go on endlessly about just how ludicrous this statement really is.

Performance of your stock portfolio is all about selecting the right STOCKS in the right SECTORS in the right COUNTRIES at the right TIME. So why do investment firms work so hard to convince you otherwise? For the most part, because they don�t teach their financial consultants how to be great stock advisors and how to identify opportunities in the global markets that will maximize the returns in your portfolio. They teach them to be great salesmen and saleswomen and great marketing gurus. If you are truly serious about maximizing the returns in your stock portfolio, the simple truth is that you probably want to stay as far away from the mainstream firms as you can. Either learn how to use accessible information to earn superior returns yourself or find a financial consultant who will. Do that, and I guarantee that you will immediately start reaping the benefits and earning better returns from your stocks.

Author: John Kim

Why invest your time in an investment strategy?

As we all know inflation is increasing day by day and it has great impact on the prices of goods and services. And the ultimate result is the decrease in time value of money. It means the value of the money today will not be same in the future. So in order to cope with the effects of such situations it is required to design an investment strategy which will secure your future.

Investment strategy in other words is designing of some important financial plans. These financial plans related to the investment decision, in which securities to invest to get maximum return is processed. But before designing an investment strategy you have to decide about following factors:

- Term of investment is basic to every investment policy. There are three terms that you consider for your investment like short term that is for less than one year, medium term usually for three to five years and long term for 10 or more years. If you want liquidity in your money then its preferred to go for short term investments otherwise medium term and long term are good solely for maximum return purposes

- The second factor that is of great importance is the risk value of various investment opportunities. Almost every investment tool bears some sort of risk, so it depends upon your risk tolerance ability

- Lastly you have to make clear perception about the purpose for which you want to invest

You can also take investment advice from various experts in order to diversify your investment. Professional and independent financial advisers have expertise in this field and their services are meant only to guide you on how to deal with your financial assets. There are various securities in which you can invest, which includes shares, mutual funds, government securities, real estate, and commodities like gold, diamonds, natural resources and so forth. All these investment decisions will depend upon your financial status and risk bearing capacity, with which financial advisors can guide you with.

Author: John Kendal

Friday, April 26, 2013

Invest in the stock market for the RIGHT reason, using the RIGHT choices

Investing in the stock market is not purchasing a stock at 25 dollars a share, hoping it will go to 35 so you can sell it, then hoping it will drop back to 25 so you can buy it back, so that you can sell it again at 35, and so on and so forth.

In my opinion, that is gambling. And, I would imagine, some would believe that ANY investment in the stock market is gambling.

So, for the sake of argument, let�s assume that every investment in the stock market is a gamble (whether you�re trading in and out of a stock position or a long-term investor). If every investment in the stock market is a gamble, then, how does the investor/gambler stack the odds in their favor?

What are the right investment choices for the right reason that will stack the odds in favor of the individual investor, to receive a return worth the gamble? What is the RIGHT reason, and what are the RIGHT choices to make when investing/gambling in the stock market when looking for a return better than a passbook savings account, a CD, Bond or Mutual Fund?

The right reason to invest/gamble in the stock market, believe it or not, is not to make a profit! That�s right! The right reason to invest/gamble in the stock market is to provide an INCOME! Actually, I�ll go even one step further! The right reason to invest/gamble in the stock market is to receive an EVER-INCREASING CASH income every quarter from every stock that you own!

Once you have set your mind toward this right reason for investing/gambling, then the right choices will become very clear.

If every stock owned (every quarter) is going to supply an ever-increasing cash income, then two right choices, right from the get-go, are necessary. One, that every company�s stock purchased must pay a cash dividend, and two, that every cash dividend paid by the company would have to be rolled back into more shares every quarter, until retirement. Those two right choices means that every quarter there will be more shares of each company owned, which, in turn, will create an ever-increasing cash dividend income (as long as the companies owned maintain their dividend).

To stack the odds further in favor of the investor/gambler, another right choice is necessary. Only those companies with a long-term history of raising their cash dividend every year will be chosen. This right choice will provide a yearly increase in the cash dividend income for the retirement years, when the dividends are being sent home to help ends-meet, and are no longer adding shares to the portfolio. The rising yearly dividend increase will, therefore, help off-set the risk of inflation.

Now, there is another right choice to make. To receive the best return on your investment/gambling dollars, all companies chosen will be purchased commission-free. All dividends from each company, each quarter being rolled into more shares, will be commission-free. Therefore, every cent earned in ever-increasing cash dividends every quarter and any extra cash put into your investment/gambling plan will work toward always increasing your cash-dividend income.

By investing for the right reason and using the right choices you automatically become a long-term, dollar-cost averaging, buying investor/gambler of company�s shares, free of commission charges, whose companies raise their dividend every year, with the investor�s / gambler�s idea or purpose being to provide an 85% tax-free income, through ever-increasing cash dividends for the rest of your life, no matter what the price of the stock at any given time in the market place may be.

For more excerpts from the book �The Stockopoly Plan � Investing for Retirement� visit: http://www.thestockopolyplan.com

You have permission to this article either electronically or in print as long as the author bylines are included, with a live link, and the article is not changed in any way (typos excluded). Please provide a courtesy e-mail to charles@thestockopolyplan.com telling where the article was published. (Word Count 676)

Author: Charles M O'Melia

How to Invest in Stocks

How to invest in stocks and earn a good amount of money? This is one question that every newbie in the stock market wonders about. This article has some tips about investing in stocks. The number of people entering the stock market and indulging in stock transactions has increased greatly over the past few years. The reason for this is the great monetary returns given by the global stock markets during the time of the market boom. Many people are fascinated by the advertisements posted by people in which they are assured unbelievable returns in a short period of time. However, you should remember that you yourself would be responsible for the profit or loss you have in the stock market. This implies that having proper knowledge of the market is very essential before you enter it, because stock investing is really not the thing to indulge in only for the adrenaline rush. Given below are some suggestions on how to invest in the stock market.

Investing in the Stock Market

Assess Your Financial Position
The first thing to do before investing in stocks is to access your financial position and decide how much money you can invest in the stock market. The investment potential of every person is different and it directly depends on your income. Before investing in stocks, you should consider your other expenses like your rent, monthly installments and the general expenses. It is advisable to keep at least six months' income in cash to deal with any kind of financial emergency. Another mistake which people commit is to take a loan to invest in socks. As a new investor, you should strictly avoid this practice.

Research, Research and Research!
The most important step involved in investing in stocks and shares is to conduct a deep stock research of the market and also of the companies whose stocks you wish to buy. Ideally, should invest in stocks of only those companies who have a good business model, have a good reputation in the market, have a good cash inflow and have posted good profits and sales over the years. Study the balance sheet of the company and also note how much assets the company owns and how much debts and liabilities the company has to repay. The amount of cash the company has also matters. Keep a close tab on the current activities and future plans of the company and discuss them with some market experts. You should invest in only those companies whose future is secure.

Buy and Sell at the Right Time!
For all those who wish to learn to invest in stocks, the most important tip would be to buy and exit the stocks at the right time. Even if you invest in the stocks of a big company, you will not make any profits if you buy stocks at the wrong levels. Buying on dips and selling on highs is always a good strategy. But, the main question is how can we identify that the price of a particular stock is nearing its high or low? The answer is by studying the movement of the stock technically over a long period of time. Maintaining a stop loss in a volatile market is very essential to avoid heavy capital destruction. The answer to the question how to invest in stocks without a broker is by buying the stocks directly from the company.

Make a Good Portfolio
Making a good portfolio which consists of stocks of companies belonging to different sectors is very essential. You should include the major or heavyweight stocks and not invest all the amount in just one single company. Diversified investment portfolio can help you to maximize your returns by dealing with market crashes efficiently. You can also take help of portfolio management services for the same.

Though this article might help you understand how to invest in stocks, only experience and adequate research can make you a successful investor. All the best!

Author: Charlie S

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Best Way to Invest Money-Short Term Investments

Best Way to Invest Money-Short Term Investments

With the kind of financial situation we are facing today, it's difficult to precisely say the kind of investments which would give a high return. The amount you want to invest and the time period for which you are investing depends on your short-term goals or long-term goals. Moreover, there are several high risk investment options which can be the best way to invest money short term, but then that would depend on how much risk you are wiling to take. If you are not for taking high risks, there are other options too which can be good short-term investments. Usually when you say short term, the period ranges from a few months to a couple of years, but it all depends on you how long you want to keep your money in the market. The best way to invest money safely includes keeping it in savings account, which will not only allow you to withdraw money when you need it, but can also earn interest on it. Getting high returns on short-term investments is not difficult.

Best Short Term Investments

When you think of return on investment, you should think in the long run, but if you need short-term gains, then there are several options available. Some of them are:

Mutual Funds and Stocks: Mutual funds and stock investing has the capacity to give you excellent return in the short run. Traditionally stocks have given a high rate of return, but then it can be highly risky. One day, you may find the prices of stocks rising high, and the very next, they fall. Most of the top-notch companies issue stocks and shares, so you can go for them. Then there are penny stocks which you can also go for. Each of these shares cost less than a dollar, and you need to trade them within a day. You may not get huge returns, but small gains over a period of time.

Commodities: You can also opt to buy commodities like gold and silver, whose prices are usually on the rise. This is the smartest way to invest money as they give good returns not only in the long run, but in the short term as well. Gold investment can be said to be a safe bet as gold prices remain stable even when the prices of other things go down.

Forex Trade: Trading in foreign currencies is one of those options which you can use for short-term investments high return. The forex trade market is such that you buy foreign currencies when their value depreciates, and sell them when the price increases. This is a high risk option, but can be the best way to invest money short term.

Easy Investment Options

If you don't want to take all the risks associated with investing in stocks, mutual funds, commodities and forex trading, then you can opt for short-term high-grade municipal bonds, money market accounts, government savings bond and certificate of deposits. Let's take a look at each of these in detail.

High-grade Municipal Bonds: This is one of the safest and best short-term investments which you can go for. These are issued by the state government or at times by the local government, and their value usually does not depreciate. The government requires money for several projects which it may be carrying out, so it issues such bonds. So the chances of you making loss by such investments are less. Moreover, you get tax benefits by investing in this option, but before buying, make sure that you buy only from reputed agencies.

Smartest Way to Invest Money

One of the smartest ways of investing money in the short term is 'flipping' real estate properties. 'Flipping' means buying real estate properties which are on the verge of foreclosure and selling it later on. As the lender does not make any money from a particular property, they may want to get their money back as soon as possible. This gives you a chance to negotiate and buy the property at a lesser rate than the market value. Once you have bought it, you can sell the property at market value. This is a safe bet, as prices of real estate do not fluctuate as much as stocks and shares do.

Money Market Accounts: Such accounts are offered by financial institutions, who in turn invest your money in securities issued by companies or the government. They earn interest from such investments, and a part of the profit is paid to you. They usually have high interest rates, but you may need to maintain a certain minimum balance, or else you may need to pay extra fees.

Certificate of Deposit: Certificate of deposit is one of the best short-term investments, as it is not only that there are no risks of losing money involved, but it also gives you a fixed return on investment after a certain period. However, you may need to keep your money for a certain period of time, before withdrawing it, to get the complete range of benefits of such an investment. There are other low risk investment options, like bonds, which you can opt for.

Author: FreeFinAdvice

Stock Market Tips To Invest In Your Future

Stock Market Tips To Invest In Your Future

Almost everyone has heard both good and bad things about investing in the stock market. The challenge is understanding which investments are worth taking a risk on, and which ones could rob you of your investment. Your odds of success can be drastically increased by doing research and applying the great advice from the above article.

It is important to realize that unexpected upswings are likely to occur from time to time. Similarly, if a business doesn't perform as well as you expected, you can expect problems to occur again in the future. When investing in business stocks, it is essential to remember this. Businesses that do well in the short-term also tend to do well in the long-term. Investing successfully is often a game of momentum.

Hiring a broker to assist you is a smart play if you're looking to invest in the stock market. Brokers have experience in the markets and will help you avoid the common mistakes that novice investors make. Many brokers possess essential insider knowledge about stocks, bonds and mutual funds that will help you to make wise investments. Many stockbrokers can also help you to mange your investment portfolio, and tell you if you are on the right track to reaching your financial goals.

Play with a free practice account to get a feel for the market. This doesn't even require any software. All you have to do is pick a particular stock and write down it's current market price as well as your reasoning. Watch the stock you chose and how it performs over time. This will allow you to assess the effectiveness of your investment reasoning and stock picking skills without risking any of your money.

If you are new to the stock market, you need to realize that success may not come quickly. People looking for overnight results can get frustrated and give up before a company's stock has time to become valuable. Patience is key to using the market.

If you plan on using a brokerage firm for your investments, make sure they're trustworthy. There are lots of firms who promise to make you tons of money investing in stocks; however, a lot of them are nor properly trained to do so. Research the brokerage firm reviews on the Internet.

When diversifying your portfolio, you may still want a regional approach. Although it is easier to just invest in U.S. stocks, including a few global companies in your portfolio has some real advantages. You may, if you're a novice investor, want to consider investing in international mutual funds.

Begin with stocks you know and understand. Stocks that you already know has a great track record or stocks in a company that works in an industry you know well makes a great beginner's investment. You can feel very familiar with how the market works as you do so. In addition, it gives you an idea of the amount of risk you are willing to take. You also gain the opportunity to actually see some gains immediately, which can in turn keep you motivated to invest into the stock market.

You may want to invest in stocks using your retirement plan, such as a 401k plan. The downside to investing with such a plan is that your funds are tied up until retirement, but the significant tax breaks you receive make retirement investing attractive anyway. Furthermore, you will also be building up a nice little nest egg with you retire.

Buying damaged stocks is fine, but do not buy damaged companies. A downturn in a stock can be a buying opportunity, but be certain that it's merely a temporary dip. Companies with missed deadlines for fixable errors, like material shortage, can go through stock value drops. On the other hand, a company whose stock drops as a result of scandal may never recover.

Develop a plan, full of details, spelling out your specific trading strategies. This plan needs to have things such as different strategies to use when buying and selling certain stocks. It must also include a clearly defined budget for your securities. You can make the correct choices when you do something like this with a clear head.

Find an investment service to subscribe to that you can rely on. A service that is very good with the stock market should suffice. This service should offer assistance in choosing stocks, and provide software to manage your trading and portfolio. If they work to increase your profits, it will more than pay for itself in very little time.

As previously stated, we've heard the stories of someone making a lot of money on the stock market, as well as those who have lost everything. People are always making and losing money in the market. Although luck does help you make a lot of money via investing, if you learn the basic principles and invest wisely, you increase your chances of success. Utilize the tips from the article to aid you in making good investment decisions that will hopefully pay off in the end.

Author: stu parmer

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Invest With Preferred Segment Stock Tips For Big Earning

Through the online money marketing we can make money very quickly which is the today’s basic necessity. Without money life is totally colorless we can’t able to enjoy anything. So with trading in stock tips enables you to make your lifestyle best.

Today’s era is a trading era; it’s most populous trend where of trading through stock tips. For this you just need to make our service consistent no breakage should be there. For this Network must be very strong so that we can get best information before finalizing any deal. Deal can be of Trading-Stock Tips, MCX, Commodity Tips, Nifty Future, Bullion & all.

Generally people go for investments like buying land, buying gold, etc. but today is the era of globalization & liberalization so remain in network is must. Network must be very strong so that we can get best information before finalizing any deal. Deal can be of Trading-Stock Tips, MCX, Commodity Tips, Nifty Future, Bullion & all.

There are lots of advisory firms which encourages you to invest with their own services like Commodity Tips, Nifty Future, Stock Cash & all. But it’s too much economically risky when it is not properly deal. And Traders suffers a lot in terms of losses. With our best Commodity Tips you can easily invest here & no worry for any security as we are sitting for you safety only.

With the help of our network we can finalize best Stock Tips deal.

Our great technicians never lay you down in terms of money & reliability. And further team members are fully supportive towards you. So there is not any question arises for security. With enough time you can get 80 to 90% authentic and accurate results of Equity Tips & Commodity Tips as well.

With below services you can get more clear vision for investing:

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With enough time to enter in our calls so you can increase your profit. With globally reliable presence you can get best trading service & maintain the business community with better investment.

We fulfilling your need services in accordance with the comfort levels of all traders and investors in stock market ranging from small investors to HNI’s, who trade in vast domain of share market such as Intraday, Index Trading (NIFTY & BANK NIFTY ), Equity Market, F&O, MCX, NCDEX.

You can also get the trading tips on Mobile through SMS or company messenger lab. Information is entirely based on Economic News, Technical & Fundamental Analysis.

Mainly it is beneficial when from home only the base for your trading business. With increase in internet users, online trading in commodity is extremely easy and access is more viable. With a comfort and luxury of your apartment, smooth click you can begin trading & make money online.

There are not any restrictions for duration as you can do at any time from your home itself.

Also with choosing the services where you wish to invest in. With the basic research just do make the decision pertaining to commodity or stock.

For market updates just requires the amassing of information. With spending time, experience and constant trading you are enables to initiate good results in terms of income and profits from their investments.

Author: emilly gray

Monday, April 22, 2013

Nigerian Govt urged to invest in mobile health to reduce deaths

Mr Erhunwmunse Aideyan, Executive Director, Electronic Health Initiative, has called on all tiers of government in to invest in mobile health technology, to enhance immunization and reduce preventable deaths.

Aideyan made the call at a forum to commemorate this year’s World Immunization Week on Sunday in Lagos.

According to him, simple text messages or alerts to mothers can be sent as reminders for childhood immunization.

Lucy reports that the theme of the commemoration, which started on April 20, is: ”Protect your world, get vaccinated”.

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), immunization averts about three million deaths annually.

Aideyan said that mHealth (Mobile Health technology) could curtail maternal and neonatal mortality rates in the country.

According to him, vaccine preventable diseases are the major causes of childhood mortality in Nigeria, due to low vaccination uptake and inadequate healthcare system.

“Nigeria has made some major strides, including reductions in child and maternal mortality, major investments in vaccines and immunization programmes, but we still record high death rates.

“We still need to do more as our indicators generally show we are behind in the use of immunization in protecting our population,” he said.

Aideyan added that there was the need to examine trends in infant and child mortality to achieve the 2015 MDGs target.

He said there were over 138 million connected mobile phones in Nigeria, which indicated that nearly all mothers own a mobile phone or could be reached by proxy.

“mHealth can also help collect health data for analysis and planning, increase health awareness and educa


How to Invest in Silver Coins

Investing in silver has turned out to be quite profitable in the recent years. Silver has always been viewed to be an important precious metal with high intrinsic value. In the recent past however, the rate of return over silver investments, in the bullion, coin and silver markets have been connoted to be a successful one. The reason that silver is said to be a 'precious' metal is due to the fact that it's rare and the demand in proportion is relatively high. If you take a look at the graph of silver prices then it shines out like a steep mountain. There are minor, ups and down, but from the point of view of investing, they are almost insignificant. Point is the prices of silver are always on the rise, and hence if you purchase silver coins, bullion and bars as of today, you can stay put for some time, wait till the silver prices hit a rising point and then sell. So if you are planning to invest in silver coins or any other objects, this is the summary.

Investing in Sliver Coins

The price of silver is quite favorable if you want to invest in it, but the point is, there are several bullion which have been created by the government that you can invest in. An investment channel which can be recommended is the American Silver Eagle. With a face value of $1, you can get this coin in some mints and also in several financial institutes who act as brokers. With a composition of 99% silver, this bullion can yield a great return if sold after a period of years (5-7, preferably a decade). Similarly, you can also consider the America the Beautiful, bullion which is yet to be launched. The value of the silver coin is $0.25, with a 99% silver content. The Canadian, Silver Maple Leaf, is another good option, which has a 99% silver and a $5 (CAN) face value. Silver Kookaburra and Lunar Australia and Philharmoniker from Austria, are three good options, all having .999 fineness. United Kingdom's Britannia with 95% silver composition is also great option, with a 5 pound face value. Your investment's mechanism would thus be simple, all you will have to do is purchase the bullion and sit tight for a few years and then sell off the coins. In some cases, one can also resort to what is popularly known as junk silver. Junk silver is principally coins that have a pretty high content of silver in them. This should include, the Morgan dollar or the Peace dollar, both of which have 90% silver contents. Similarly, quarters, dimes, nickels and half dollars can be hoarded and then sold off as the silver price goes high. Here, the silver coin's melt value, that is the amount silver that is in the coin is considered for the sale price. To get the best possible price all you will have to do is keep a keen eye on the price graphs of silver.

Why to Invest in Silver Dollar?

Today, in the modern world, not all economies make use of the system of representative money (also known as commodity backed money). In such a system, when a mint or a printing press prints, say $100 worth of money, an equal amount of gold, silver or such other assets are retained by the central bank. This measure ensures that notes are not over printed and the intrinsic value of those $100 remains the same. However, in today's world, a majority economies are not following this logic and are thus suffering from melt down cycles such as recession, depression and inflation. Overall, if one retains a bank-note of $100 in a safe or a bank, the value of the $100 would have substantially dropped down in the next couple of years. It means that today, if I am able to purchase a good 100 candy bars with those $100, then in a couple of years the number of candy bars that I would be able to purchase will be less than 100. Overall, the conclusion to this brain storming is that putting in money into the bank accounts, funds and some other investment options is not going to give you a huge yield, apart from that there is also some amount of risk in some of these investment destinations. There are however, three investment destinations, where you can easily put in your money, namely, gold, silver and real estate. Of the three. silver has depicted quite a different and successful graph. Silver coins, bars and bullion are some excellent destinations which can be used to make an investment.

Now, why not real estate and gold. Well, there are a few drawbacks of both these investments. Gold though, is always rising, in the long run, suffers sharp ups and downs in several situations, especially during a festive season. Apart from that processing loss, in case of gold jewelry, is quite high and proves to be costly. Hence, there is a probability of facing one or all the three investment risks: low yield, low rate of return and short term rise and falls. Real estate, of course, has a major drawback that it costs a small fortune.

Author: Scholasticus K

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Reasons Why Should I Invest?

Are you one the kind who ends up having a payday loan without knowing what the money is intended for? If so, we shall give you a clue where to invest that money. The honest reason why a person wants to invest is to create wealth. That's real honesty �an admittance of the desire to gain profit! There is no such thing as a business ethics � no kidding! A slogan goes, "Be honest, even if others are not, will not, and cannot!� is a reminder from a Brotherhood of Businessmen".

Would you really believe that these businessmen put up their businesses not take advantage of the opportunity to gain profit? Any business could never be honest for you always buy low and sell high for profit. Otherwise, you are Santa Claus on Christmas. Buying stocks is an example of an investment. To invest in the stock market would mean a lot of wealth, a lot of money in the long, long run. Not to invest translates into a financial risk - the risk of incurring opportunity cost. Here are 4 Basic Reasons Why Should You Invest Your Money:

1.) Income Opportunities

There is a unique investment opportunity that gives you two basic ways to make money.

And that is, buying dividend-paying stocks. Along with profiting if the share price goes higher than what you paid for it, you can earn dividend income on stocks that have a dividend payout. A dividend is a periodic payment of income to shareholders.

2.) High Rate of Return

Stock markets have historically produced one of the top annualized rates of return for any investment. Long-term investors who can stomach the ups and downs of the stock market ultimately usually get a nice return on investment.

3.) Research Tools and Low Cost

Investing in the stock market has become very affordable and possible for individual investors in the early 21st century. Thanks to rapid growth of online broker platforms. Additionally, amateur investors now have free access to many of the stock research tools that were once only available to professional traders.

4.) Ownership

You do not have to bear the burden of making important decisions that impact the future course of success or failure. Buying shares gives you a fractional ownership in the company based on the number of shares you own. Plus, you get certain ownership rights that include income-based ones and the ability to vote at shareholder meetings.

As we will see ahead, every day you are delaying your investment career, you take some more punch out of your money. Always remember these 4 reasons to invest your money:

1.Income Opportunities

2.High Rate of Return

3.Research Tools and Low Cost


Author: alleyseo

Safest Way to Invest in Gold

Gold investments have given record returns to investors over the years. In this article, we shall discuss the safest way to invest in gold. Many investment advisers are always bullish and optimistic on gold as a form of investment. The reason being, gold prices are much more stable and the chances of incurring big losses are very low. As against this, an investor can make significant profits by selling gold at higher levels, especially at the peak of a rally. Over the years, technological advancement has made gold investments safer. The information on safest way to invest in gold, given below, will give you some options available and guide you in the right manner.

Safe Gold Investments

Gold is the most precious metal we know. It is so valuable that we take utmost care to protect it from getting stolen or lost, by keeping it in lockers or safes. However, one of the best ways to invest in gold would be by buying gold in the electronic form. This considerably reduces the risk of owning gold physically. Gold Exchange Traded Funds (ETF's) are the most popular forms of gold investment for today's generation. In this case, every share purchased by you will be corresponding to some quantity of gold. Naturally, you will be operating through your broker and hence buying and selling gold can be done by just calling and instructing your broker.

The demand for gold is rising at a fast pace these days, and this is evident from the sky rocketing prices of gold. So, there are many people who wonder what is the easiest way to invest in gold. Taking this need into consideration, many banks have come up with the unique concept of gold certificates. Again, this will indeed be counted among the best ways to invest in gold 2011 and beyond, because you do not have to keep gold in your home. When you have a gold certificate, you have proof that you have some quantity of gold which can be monetized as and when you wish. My suggestion in this regard would be that you should clearly understand the terms and conditions related to gold certificates from your bank officers.

Best way to invest money in gold is by buying shares of companies who deal or trade in gold. You can also consider making equity investments in firms involved in gold mining which is a prestigious and cash rich business. You should also track companies who give loan against gold as this business is really the one with high net profit margins.

Gold accumulation plans are also one of the finest and safest ways to invest in gold. This is a unique concept which can help even the small buyer invest in gold and get advantage of huge upward rallies in gold prices. As we know, gold prices are never really stable, they go up and down as per the demand in the market and international economic issues. So, a retail or common investor, who does not track gold prices every day may end up buying gold at higher levels and suffer from losses when the prices go down. To add to the problems, people do not understand the levels at which they should be selling gold instead of buying it. Gold accumulation plans are useful because in these plans, money is deducted form the person's account every month and is used for gold investments every day when the gold is traded. With this method, the price can be averaged out and the risk reduces substantially.

Gold coins are portable and hence these can also be one of the safest ways to invest in gold. However, you can try to avoid buying big gold bars or invest heavily in golden jewelry to avoid risk completely. So, make use of these methods of investment and make good money. All the best!

Author: Charlie S

Invest in Fixed Income Fund for long term

Fixed income connotes a type of investment that does not deal with equity. Investments that are classified as fixed income, obligates the issuer/borrower to make regular payments at a pre-determined schedule.

Another meaning that can be derived from the term ‘fixed income’ is that it relates to a person’s incoming cash flow that does not change with each given period. This may include incomes that are derived from investment instruments such as preferred stocks, bonds or even pensions that assure a fixed income. When retirees and pensioners are dependent on their post-retirement benefits as their only source of income, the term ‘fixed income’ also carry a connotation that these retired people have limited discretionary income.

Fixed income funds are mutual funds, as such they are a good way by which one can diversify their investment portfolio. But, much clarity is required to understand what fixed income funds are?

Fixed income funds are a type of mutual funds that invest in fixed income securities such as municipal bonds, corporate bonds, treasury bills, etc. Fixed income funds come in many styles and shapes. In India, fixed income funds are also referred to as income funds and debt funds.

Funds that are classified as fixed income typically make investments in debt securities which are issued by companies, banks, government or financial institutions. The various types of debt-securities in which a fixed income mutual fund invest are known as treasury bills and commercial papers of deposit. The instrument is categorised based on its maturity period. For instance, the debt securities are known as debentures and bonds, if their maturity period is more than one year; subsequently, if the maturity period is less than a year than they are referred to as commercial papers or treasury bills.

The borrower/issuer of these debt securities is obliged to pay the principal along with interest at the time period agreed upon.

Fixed income funds have a face value on which the rate of interest is calculated. Usually an investor who wants to invest in a fixed income fund is chiefly concerned with the face value, rate of interest, rate of interest payment, maturity value and time period. On an average, fixed income funds are held till maturity unlike other mutual funds that see a lot of attrition.

Author: nishavarma