Sunday, March 31, 2013

General Motors to Invest $1 Billion in Brazil Operations -- Money to Come from U.S. Rescue Program

General Motors to Invest $1 Billion in Brazil Operations -- Money to Come from U.S. Rescue Program

By Russ Dallen
Latin American Herald Tribune staff

SAO PAULO -- General Motors plans to invest $1 billion in Brazil to avoid the kind of problems the U.S. automaker is facing in its home market, said the beleaguered car maker.

According to the president of GM Brazil-Mercosur, Jaime Ardila, the funding will come from the package of financial aid that the manufacturer will receive from the U.S. government and will be used to "complete the renovation of the line of products up to 2012."

"It wouldn't be logical to withdraw the investment from where we're growing, and our goal is to protect investments in emerging markets," he said in a statement published by the business daily Gazeta Mercantil.

Meanwhile, he cut the company's revenue forecast for this year by 14% to $9.5 billion from $11 billion, as the economic crisis began to cause rapid slowdowns in sales.

GM already announced three programs of paid leave, and Ardila added that GM Brazil "is going to wait and see how the market behaves in order to know what decision to take" with regard to possible layoffs.

For Ardila, the injection in Brazil 's automobile sector of 8 billion reais ($3.51 billion) recently announced by the federal and state governments of Sao Paulo "has already begun to revive sales," which fell by 12% in October.

The executive said that the company will operate a "conservative" scenario in 2009 with an estimated production of 2.6 million units, and another more "optimistic" that contemplates sales of 2.9 million.

This year sales will reach 2.85 million vehicles, which represents a growth of 15% over last year.

Author: Denise W.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

How To Invest Time And Be Successful And Rich

Time, can be considered a finite resource, since we always grumble that there are too many things to do but too little time. Even the world's richest man, bill gates, that has and can have anything in the world faces the problem of the scarcity of time. Since to everyone, there is only 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 4 weeks in a month and 12 months in a year. As such, there is a need to fully maximize each second of your time, and hence the reason for investing time. We invest time in things that can help us do more with the limited amount of time. We invest time by firstly learning on what to invest on, how to do more with our time, and for purposeful activities.

First and foremost, we invest time on things that help us to know what to invest time on. This may sound ironic, but this statement holds true. Just think of it, people coming to DreamTeamMoney are investing their time and effort so that they know what are the good products and stuff they can invest their future time on. We invest our time on guidebooks, magazines that tell us what niche market should we enter, what type of business makes the most profits. In fact, it is the most common way in which people invest their time on.

Secondly, we invest time so that we can do more with our time in the future. As said in the opening paragraph, time is a limited resource; once it is gone it can never be brought back. Hence, if the little time we spend on improving yourselves and help to make us be more efficient, the time is well spent. Studying is a great example. We study when we are young so that in the future we can make each second count, and fully utilize the limited time that is given to us by finding more effective and efficient ways of completing the same task. Hence, by invest time so that we can do more with it makes it more valuable and you might be able to get more 'time' in the sense that more tasks can be completed within a certain time frame when the relevant knowledge is acquired.

One of the others ways to invest time is that we should always be doing things with a purpose in mind or finding a purpose in the things we are doing. Be it in whatever we do, we must have a reason in doing it. This allows us to forego the initial pleasures and to look at the big picture-delayed gratification. It allows us to look at our situation in a whole new perspective and become more positive. Let me share with you the correct definition of success: success is a day to day progressive realization of your personal, pre-planned, worthwhile goals. To have success, you first must have a goal, and hence a goal is a purpose, which activates our reticular activating system, it gives direction in our life! In fact, in life, the people that succeed are the people that set goals for themselves. The most important reason why people fail is because they didn't set goals for themselves. Hence it would make sense to spend a little bit of your time finding out your purpose, your goals!

Author: Debbie DB Johnson

Where to Invest your Money?

Are you thinking of ways on where to invest your savings or your hard earned money? In this article I will give you some idea where to invest your money. In investing, we only need the proper knowledge and learning so that we will be familiarized in doing it. Without the proper knowledge in investing, you may lead yourself into losing money or fall into scams. Many people don't know where to invest their money in legal ways. Many people have already encountered a lot of Scam Company where they offer a big return of investment in a just a week without doing anything. Obviously, these kinds of investments are scams. Always keep in mind that when you invest your money in legal ways, the returns will be good soon.

Saving Money for Investing

The best thing to do before investing is to save money first. But don't put all of your savings into investment, you have to segregate some of your savings for emergency purposes and put the excess money into investments. Now, are you ready to know where to invest your money? Investing is a way or a system where you can make your money grow.

Ways where to Invest your Money

Here are the following ways where you can invest your money:

1. Time Deposit

Investing your money in time deposits, will give you higher returns compare to a regular savings account. It is a sure way that the money you invested will gain profit and you have nothing to worry about losing your money.

2. Mutual Funds

Mutual fund comes from combined money or investment from different investors. It is well managed by a professional mutual fund manager. A mutual fund is regulated and administered by the Securities and Exchange Commission. The first thing to do is to choose an investment company on where you can open a mutual fund account. You can choose from different types of mutual fund depending where it is invested; like equity, balanced, fixed-income and money market mutual fund.

3. Stocks

One of the traditional ways on where to invest your money is to invest in stocks. A publicly listed company is sharing their ownership through stocks. Finding a stockbroker is needed before buying or selling stocks. Investing your money in stocks, involves high risk because the market is very volatile. If you don't have enough knowledge in the daily trending of stocks, I suggest going on long term investment. You can also receive a stock dividend given by the company.

Author: jhordan kee

Oil Stocks to Invest in 2012

Crude oil or petroleum companies have some of the best oil stocks to invest in 2012, as a result of some favorable market conditions. Before we glance at some of the best oil stocks for 2012, it is necessary to get a better review of the entire crude oil and petroleum market across the world. After all, this is the market that affects the stock prices of crude oil companies and refineries, besides impacting all other industrial sectors around the world. Crude oil sector, from the point of view of stock investing is well, 'not-very-nice'. The prominent reason for making such a remark is that firstly, all the oil stocks are costly and you need good capital to buy a reasonable amount of shares. Secondly, even the best oil stocks can be very dynamic in the short run. It means that you invest in a large sum that tends to have a volatile price in the short run, that is a time period of about 12 months. However in the long run, that is, a time period exceeding 12 months, this very stock category will show a steeply rising market price. Overall, oil stocks are super profitable. However, due to the short term dynamic nature, it proves to be a dangerous stock if you do not keep a keen eye on it.

The Crude Oil Market Today

Several experts have commented upon the best oil stocks for 2012 and the current status of the petroleum market. The best way to invest in oil is through the common stock. It is a known fact that oil reserves of the world are fast drying up. In contrast to that, the total demand is quickly becoming more and more aggressive. One of the biggest sphere, that has substantially boosted oil demand is fast developing South-East Asia. Now why is the crude oil share stock connoted to be the best investment for 2012? Simple enough. We know that oil is becoming scarce and there are lesser avenues to get it. Yet the world demand is high. This caused the price of oil to shoot up sky-high, way over $140, almost touching $150. Currently the prices have eased out, around $100 per barrel, but they are expected to rise to about $115 per barrel in 2012.

The total revenue obtained by the oil companies is thus, going to escalate way beyond the normal range. And here's the catch, the operational cost is going to remain unchanged and the raw material acquisition cost is going to rise, but not steeply. This points out to two things, a better dividend and high yield in oil company stocks. Both these factors are due to better revenue and a better market price of the stocks. Investing in established oil companies is the best strategy.

Best Oil Stocks to Invest in 2012

There are several companies which are considered to have the top oil stocks. While choosing the best oil stocks to buy, you can ask the following questions to ascertain whether a said stock is the right purchase or not.What is the revenue of the company and how much are the units sold? What is the source of raw material and what is the source of revenue? What is the size and reputation of the company? How is the dividend issue policy? What are the recent acquisitions, collaborations and sell-offs made by the company? What is the P/E ratio, earnings per share (EPS), dividend and yield percentage? These facts will give you a pretty good overview of the company. Apart from that, there are also several pointers and guidelines that can be used, such as the annual reports of the companies, comments by the experts, stock exchange trends, etc. Remember, all the possible pointers towards good stocks are of importance.

Author: Scholasticus K

Friday, March 29, 2013

Boring Investments

Isn't that true? There is no one talking about a boring investment! These days, many people shy away from anything stock market related-and for good cause too. However, when you hear the pitches, it's things like 'dividend strategies, options, futures, ETF's, income riders' and the like. Why would anyone consider a boring investment when you can have one of those other--exciting investments to choose from?

Consider this, a typical fixed annuity contract pays about 3% in interest each year, not bad, right? (Especially after this terrible stock market performance that has affected most of us!) It's tax-deferred, which means you do not have to pay any taxes from year to year-only when you withdraw money. It's also a triple interest bearing instrument: interest on principal (did I mention that your principal is guaranteed? More on that later) interest on interest and interest on tax-savings!

Your principal is safe and guaranteed, which means that when you deposit money into a fixed annuity-100% of your money is protected and earning interest. Annuities are great estate planning tools, they avoid probate when paid to a named beneficiary. They also can provide for a lifetime income for one or two people, such as a husband and wife or a grandparent and grandchild. And, there are no fees or commissions charged against your principal-all of your money goes to work for you immediately!

So tell me-are these really boring investments? To some, sure they are. But to others, who want to protect the values of their investments, after they have worked so hard to accumulate these funds-no, they are not.

Blog Alert for Investing Articles from, Mar 28, 2013

New Posts to Investing Articles from on Mar 28, 2013:

1) What Strategies Do Most Spread Betting Companies Offer?

There are already so many spread betting companies popping up like mushrooms nowadays. This could be an indicator that this investment tool is, indeed, profitable.

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Self storage facilities are cash cows!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

invest in stocks

Online trading broker maintain and continue steady relationship with the investor family. With the spread of stock market business, investors need to identify good stock brokers. To find a great online trading broker one has to be very careful.

Author: pete kelvinson

Penny Stock Invest And Make Huge Profits

Many novice investors are attracted by the penny stocks because of the low price and the potential for quick financial growth which can soar as high as 100% or more in just a few months. But, on the other hand, severe loss can occur just as quickly and many penny stocks can lose all of their value in the long term market. You should be aware that penny stocks are too high risk to invest in and that new investors should do their research to be aware of the risks that are involved in penny stocks. These risks include illiquidity, little or no financial report, and, of course, fraud. But, many new investors can earn good money with penny stocks. Even though a hot penny stock has less number of shareholders and also they are not as liquid as a large cap company, penny stocks are an excellent option to a novice in investing as it provides an excellent opportunity to make a lot of money very quickly. So the investor then can invest this money in other large cap companies.

As with any type of stock, a sudden change in market condition can lead to a great deal of movement in the price of any company stock. This lack of liquidity with top penny stocks can send a stock price soaring up very quickly, but at the same time it can come crashing down with the same speed. So it is quite mandatory to closely watch your investments in the penny stocks as you can make some clever investments in case of clumsy situations of market which can give you very huge profits. Even with the lack of liquidity and instability of penny stocks, there can still be an ideal investment for many people who want to get the feel of trading and investing the stock market. Finding a good and reputable stock firm is the best idea for starting to invest in penny stocks. This helps to minimize financial loss and helps to avoid any penny stocks that are liable to fade out. So, if you want to jump into the world of the stock market, but don't want to invest a lot of your hard earned cash then try penny stocks. They can be well worth the effort for short term income growth and lead to bigger and better things.

There are many stocks that arose to fortune like Ansal housing, profited by 8000% ++, Country club, profiting by 11,000%+, Subhash projects by 7590% ++, Prajay engineers by 11,600% ++, and D S Kulkarni by7172% ++. As rightly said by Warren Buffet: �As the company goes well the stock flows�. Investors investing with such companies are bound to grow. It depends on your choice of stock, your study and intuitions. Your decision are reflected by how much profit you earn. Start investing wisely and start earning in leaps and bounds by buying penny stocks.

Visit for buying penny stock, best penny stocks, buy penny stocks, top penny stocks and hot penny stock.

Author: William Wordworthy

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Start Investing

Start Investing In Yourself!

What does investing in yourself consist of?

It could be numerous things or it could be just a few things. It all depends on what you value in life. We all invest in various things, stocks, 401ks, savings accounts, etc... But at the end of the day, does it REALLY make you a better person? Money is nice, and yes we all want to have plenty of it, but the amount of money you have does not determine how valuable you are.

How can you invest in yourself?

First, Share Your Knowledge!

Sharing of knowledge is incredibly valuable. If you are trying to accomplish a task, it's always helpful to read about it from someone who's already done that task. A free way to do this is to create a personal blog. It's MUCH easier than you think to have your own domain. makes having a blog incredibly EASY. Create a personal banner (or have someone do it for you i.e. Elance.Com) and several categories (sub pages) for people to be able to view. Write in your blog as much or as little as you feel like. However, when do you write something, be sure it is VALUABLE to others. For instance, if you are going to write in your blog, do not write about how "bad" your life is. No one wants to read a depressing article.

Second, Help Others!

For instance, holding doors for people or returning valuables (such as a wallet or purse) to its rightful owner demonstrate your desire to help others. The most effective way to help others is to volunteer for charities. There are millions of charities out there. Find a charity that truly touches your heart and volunteer for the activities.
Don't just donate your "money" to these charities. Working the events, help acquiring sponsors, and recruiting individuals to help with the organization are all great activities to become involved in the charity.

By helping others, you are investing in yourself whether you realize it or not. However, do not expect that other individual to help you out. Giving a homeless man a few bucks or offering that friend who does not have a car a ride to work are just a couple of examples of helpful tasks. The outcome of the situation is irrelevant, just do it! When you do help others out, do not be boastful and brag about how you did "task A" for "Bob". If someone asks you about it, then you can talk about it. Being humble will take you places you never imagined.

Third, Network With Others!

This is valuable to you and the others involved. For instance, a plumber performs a job for a customer and that same customer has an issue with their car. Being involved in a networking group, this plumber knows a mechanic that can fix their problem. Therefore, the plumber recommends that mechanic to his customer. The customer is happy, especially if the plumber has performed high quality work. The mechanic is happy because it's new business. Overall, the plumber is happy because he's helped solved two problems.

Fourth, Become A Problem Solver!

You have the energy within you to do this! I have an exercise for you to try. For the next twenty days, write down every situation you come across where you run into a problem. Then, after you have overcome the problem, write the solution. No problem is too big, or too small. Do not think, well I can't do this. If you "can't" accomplish something, write the necessary steps down to be able to come to accomplish it. If you think you can't accomplish something, look at the life of one of the best achievers in history, Abraham Lincoln.


Failed in Business - Bankruptcy, 1831

Defeated for Legislature, 1832

Sweetheart/Fiancée Dies, 1835

Nervous Breakdown, 1836

Defeated in Election, 1836

Defeated for U.S. Congress, 1843

Defeated again for U.S. Congress 1846

Defeated once again for U.S. Congress, 1848

Defeated for U.S. Senate, 1855

Defeated for U.S Vice President, 1856

Defeated again for U.S. Senate, 1858


Elected President of the U.S.A., 1860

Do you think if Abraham Lincoln wasn't elected president in 1860, he would have given up? NO, he would have invested in himself until he reached his goal. All these failures he had, only made him STRONGER. Don't be afraid to fail. It is going to happen. Everyone fails, whether it is something big or small, we all have failed in some point in our life. However, to avoid this, you must learn from your failure and apply it to future experiences.

You are only worth what you think you are worth. If I was to win the lottery today, I wouldn't know what to do with myself. Yes money is NICE, and helpful in many ways, but if I had 20 million dollars, I wouldn't be WORTH that much. Why do I think this way? I didn't earn the money! I simply was lucky and acquired a huge amount of money. I might have that much money in the bank, but overall, I'm still not worth 20 million to others. Overall, invest in YOURSELF and I promise you won't regret it.

Universal Life Insurance | You Can Take Advice of Your Friends or Relatives Before Investing

The financial interests have to be no doubt the focus of attention for everybody today. You should continue to dominate your life and mind till you do not achieve success. You all ought to genuinely and sincerely think about your financial protection in life. You have to stand very strongly in life to face all the ill effects which may perhaps happen in your life. If you haven’t made arrangements to achieve your financial security and stability in life then you must do it now. It is never too late in life to take any new resolutions. You must get recharged for the life ahead. Every time should be the excellent time to implement plans that can increase financial growth and self empowerment in your life. You must try to learn to how to grab opportunities which come in your way. You must not leave any good reason to delay your financial security. As soon as possible you should invest in any of the life insurance policy and safeguard your family’s future. If you try to seize opportunities the way you like then you will surely succeed in it. Only a bit of patience should be considered while investing in the life insurance policy. You do not need to jump into conclusions immediately. You need to investigate thoroughly the terms and conditions of the particular life insurance policy in which you have to invest and then you need to invest in it. Do not hesitate while taking advice from anybody before you invest in the life insurance policy. In fact try to take the initiative and openly interact with the people from whom you are taking the advice. While interacting with a friend or anybody who have invested in the life insurance policy you may a find a piece of information related to your financial status and you may get prompt to invest in it. Only then you will be able to take a proper decision. You should try to put importance on your financial status, passionate and experiences.

I was moderately confused about the safety of my family’s future, and then my elder brother advised me to invest in the life insurance policy as soon as I settle in my business. He told me how important it is to invest in any such policies which can give financial protection to our family even after our death. He had invested in the universal life insurance policy as it was very convenient for him to go along with the payments towards the premiums. But he insisted me not to follow him and invest in the universal policy because he made me understand that my needs may differ from his needs and so it would be wise if I would invest in the policy which would benefit me more and the policy in which I could easily pay the premiums. Regarding all the requirements, the payments towards the policy and my personal budget I too decided to invest in the universal life insurance policy as this policy was going along with my budget too.

Author: Fred Romano

How To Invest 50000

How to invest 50000 -

When exploring ways to invest 50000 dollars, many of the larger investment firms tend to take a very conservative approach. They are familiar with a certain type of investing and a methodology of thinking that is as old as the stock market itself. For some people, the traditional way is not always the best way to invest 50000 dollars.

To invest 50000 dollars requires a portfolio if the stock market is to be used. A certain amount will be invested in slow moving bonds, some may be put into commodities and futures while the rest would be placed into the volatile market where it will rise and fall based on any number of factors. Brokers play this game hoping to sell at peak moments before the stocks tumble. They have different ways of determining where to invest 50000 dollars, but a lot of it is just luck.

Some brokers may decide that penny stocks are how to invest 50000. These are very low priced stocks that can move up and down based solely on trading. This is very much just a gamble since most of the penny stock companies do not actually earn a profit. Deciding where to invest 50000 dollars in this type of market is equivalent to rolling dice.

When looking at how to invest 50000 dollars, some very exotic financial instruments may appear as options. These can include an entire class of very fast moving and nearly unpredictable investments known as derivatives. These are essentially complex numerical calculations that are based on a variety of market figures. Entire fortunes have been lost investing in these. This is not how to invest 50000.

Finally, one of the traditional avenues that may be encountered when searching for the best way to invest 50000 is some type of account. Whether it is a money market account or just a standard savings account, it is one option often raised when trying to decide where to invest 50000 dollars. While these are generally safe choices, they yield very little and can take decades of patient waiting to make any significant profit.

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Investing directly in a business, especially one that has experienced consultants who know how to invest 50000 dollars, can be an important first step in gaining a yearly income many times in excess of the initial investment cost.

It is important to find a company that has recruited a number of experienced consultants. It is also important to find a company that has stability and a good methodology that incorporates the current trends and technologies in order to provide a robust and dynamic infrastructure as a foundation. This would be the best way to invest 50000.

A well organized business will also have their plans set on long term, sustained growth. This means that over time, those who invest 50000 dollars may see many times that amount returned. This is why long term growth is important. A solid revenue stream can help to power the business forward and increase profitability.

Companies that use the internet and that are able to take advantage of the wide array of tools and technologies that exist can expect to have a very high potential for growth both in the near and long term. The internet can help to deliver prospective clients and other important business to a company that is willing to take part in the media culture online.

The best way to invest 50000 dollars would have to be in a stable, internet based business. The relatively low cost of maintenance, the lack of costly overhead and the ability to reach people all over the world helps to highlight that this is where to invest 50000 dollars.

If you are interested in investing in a business vehicle with stable, long term, and high growth potential, consider the Franchise opportunity by visiting the website today.

Author: Best Way To Invest

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

100000 To Invest - What Now

Best Place To Invest 100000

There are investors who will tell you that the best way to invest 100000 dollars would be to enter the real estate market. After all, anyone who is looking to invest 100000 dollars may be able to afford to try this very variable market.

Real estate may not be the best place to invest 100000 dollars, however. There are several different ideas behind how money is made in the real estate market. One of the most prevalent is the idea of flipping homes. This involves someone who will invest 100000 dollars into a home that is valued slightly higher. They perform some work to ensure the value increases, and then they attempt to sell it quickly.

Unfortunately, if the home does not sell quickly then the investor will begin to lose money as they pay for upkeep on the home and possible taxes or mortgage payments. This is a very risky way to invest 10000 dollars.

Another way to invest in real estate is to buy property that can be rented to other tenants. There are many ideas on how to invest 100000 in this type of endeavor. The basic concept is to purchase a property and then rent it out. The problem is that tenants may end up costing more than what the property is bringing in. Property also requires a fair amount of maintenance and these costs can accrue very quickly.

Owning property like this comes with responsibilities such as insurance, lawyers and possibly litigation. The overhead costs of any real estate related investments can quickly eat into any profits that might have been made.

A completely different strategy on how to invest 100000 is to invest in a business that has little overhead and a large potential for growth and profit. An online business fits this description perfectly.

A business that exists primarily or exclusively online has many benefits over the standard brick and mortar model. For one, there is no overhead in so far as offices, electricity or certain taxes associated with having a physical location. This means that to invest 100000 dollars in an online business is to invest in the business itself, not its operating expenses.

An online business also has the advantage of being dynamic. Unlike a storefront façade, the face of the business can be easily changed. The fluidity of websites and their design lends itself to a business that may want to evolve seamlessly over time.

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A franchise can be the best way to invest 100000. This is like investing in a very small part of a larger company. The expertise of the parent company as well as any positive branding that accompanies them will help the franchise expand quickly and garner more customers and, consequently, more profit. A successful online franchise can answer the question about where to invest 100000 since the return on that initial investment could be quite large.

An online franchise can follow models such as Google's business model. Google, in essence, relies upon advertising revenue to make a profit. By providing some services for free, users are exposed to advertising banners. These banners generate revenue when users click through them.

This model has many advantages, not the least of which is the fact that they needed very little overhead to start. Although they do have some physical infrastructure now, it is still a very small part of their actual operating budget. Online businesses that follow this type of model may be the best way to invest 100000.

An online business needs more than just a solid model, though. They also need a vision of how they will perform in the future. They need a team of experts that can help to plot a course for the company and its franchises overall. Every company may hit some hard times and knowing how to navigate those times is the difference between success and failure. The best place to invest 100000 is with a company that has a long term goal.

There are many ideas about where to invest 100000. A strong online business with a turnkey franchise opportunity is an excellent choice. The inherent risks can be mitigated with careful planning and by staying on top of the incoming metrics. Having an experienced team of experts can help to ensure profitability over the years. When wondering how to invest 100000, consider an online business.

If you would like to invest in an online business that has a high growth potential and a long term plan for the future, visit the Franchise website today and fill out the form.

Author: How To Invest Business

To Invest In HYIP Or Not

This article is an overview of the risks, scams, and extraordinary profits that can be experienced by HYIP investors.

High Yield Investment Programs: Risks, Scams, and Profits

If you are an investor looking to truly double your money, you might want to look into HYIP or high yield investment programs. This type of investment always carries a high risk, but when you consider the potential profit, you might find that the risk is well worth it. High yield investment programs have always been around, but have become even better known in recent years as investing online has become more and more common. Despite the risks, many investors continue to take advantage of the awesome selection of HYIPs out there to double their money.

Choosing your HYIPs is something that has to be done on an individual basis because what each person will feel comfortable with is different. There are HYIPs out there that show very little in way the way income, but have high risks. On the flip side, there are HYIPs out there that show a lot of promise for profit, yet they have the same risks associated with the programs that don't guarantee much in the way of profit. You'd obviously want to stick with the second choice if you can tell which HYIP would be more profitable than the other. The key to getting involved in the right type of HYIP is research. Though it may be exciting and easy to just jump at a very promising looking program, you'll want to put the brakes on for long enough that you can check out the company. You want to stick with companies that offer high revenue, but only if they actually payout and give you access to your currency. Do your homework to make the risks worth it; otherwise you'll end up losing money! The more you participate and research HYIPs the more familiar you'll get with the tricks that many of these programs have to keep your money.

If you've invested in high yield investment programs in the past, you know what to expect in the way of scams. If you have never participated in an HYIP before, you'll be want to be extremely careful when first getting your feet wet. Because there is a lot of money to be made with an HYIP, scams are often associated with this type of investment. There are people, and even companies out there, who want you to invest and event to make money, but then they won't want to give any of it back. This is where the research that we mentioned above comes in really handy. Even if a friend or business acquaintance recommends an HYIP to you, you should still research it to be sure it's something that you feel comfortable with. If after looking into it you feel as though the investment and possible income is worth the risk, then go for it. If you do not feel this way, simply do not invest. When it comes to your money, you shouldn't feel pressured to invest at any time. Often, these scams will require you to invest is something that does not even exist, and then, the fraudulent people are off with your money and that of other investors!

Choosing the proper HYIP is something that you will need to do very carefully, and you should only do if you feel completely comfortable with the risks associated with any one investment. Even the most legit HYIP should be approached with caution, and followed up by extensive research. You have to remember when looking at HYIPs that even those that are not scams cannot promise you much in the way of a return. The potential to make a lot of money relatively quickly is there, but it is not a guarantee. Because there is no guarantee when dealing with HYIPs, the more you understand the investment, the better chance you have to succeed with such an investment.

The bottom line is that you stand to earn a great profit with an HYIP, but there are extreme risks and even scams associated with this type of investing. If you know what to expect when you get into the high yield investments, and you know what to look for through research, you'll probably be fine. If you get into an HYIP because you've just heard that it's profitable, you stand to lose a lot of money! Invest smart.

Author: Michael Goldman

When to invest in the Stock Market

Is really not as important as to how you invest in the stock market. And how you invest in the stock market should take into consideration what goals you are setting for that stock market investment. For example, are you investing for capital appreciation or for income through dividend paying stocks? Or is the investment in the stock market for the combination of both capital appreciation and dividend income? Are you investing through a Mutual fund(s) or selecting your own individual stocks?

Do you invest with a lump-sum dollar amount or dollar-cost average into your stock or Mutual fund positions (buying the same stock or Mutual fund at different prices over the years)? Is your investment dollar spread too thin and are all of those dollars working for your ROI (return on investment)? Do you pay commission fees to purchase a stock? Do you pay load fees in your Mutual fund(s)? How much does your Mutual fund(s) charge you for management, operating and marketing fees (they are called �hidden fees�)? (One Mutual fund, just recently, was fined 450 million for �hidden fees� practices.) �How� you invest in the stock market is more important than �when� you invest in the stock market and �how� you invest will determine your ROI.

When you invest in the stock market is after you devise a how-to plan that takes into consideration all of the factors above. Quite frankly, every cent of your investor dollar should benefit you and your family and no one else.

There is an enormous amount of investor dollars supporting some whopper salaries on Wall Street. Just recently (the summer of 2003), Richard Grasso, the once former head (CEO) of the New York stock exchange was forced to resign, after his salary for the past 2 years were made public. His salary - 12 million a year for the past 2 years, a check for 48 million, which his advisor suggested he return (which he did) and a pay-package of 139.5 million dollars (which he hasn�t returned, as of this writing-mid-2004). Now, that is just one man�s salary on Wall Street and it is certainly good work if you can get it! Where did all this money for his salary come from? If the money didn�t come from investor�s dollars, why were Pension fund managers so outraged by Grasso�s salary that they threatened to pull billions of Pension fund dollars from the New York stock exchange? I really don�t know where the money came from to pay his salary. What I do know is the one place where the mo!

ney for his salary didn�t come from and that is from the Stockopoly investor. Not one cent!

It is my opinion that all stock purchases should be made without commission charges (which is possible). The investment in all stocks should be a long-term investment, and that every stock purchased should have a history of raising their dividend every year. And all dividends should be reinvested back into the company�s shares (also commission free), until retirement. Every cent you invest should work for your ROI. By purchasing those companies that have a long-term history of raising their dividend each year (for example, Comerica � 34 years, Proctor and Gamble � 47 years, BB&T � 31 years, GE � 28 years, Atmos Energy - 16 years (they also provide a 3% discount on all shares purchased through dividend reinvestments), the �HOW� you invest becomes automatic- you dollar-cost average into your holdings through the dividends provided by the companies every quarter.

The dividend is the one factor a company cannot �fudge�. The money has to be there to pay the shareholder. If a company can raise their dividend every year, the company MUST be doing something right! When a company has a long history of raising their dividend every year you in a sense eliminate risk, since a lower stock price for that company just means a higher dividend yield. If, for example, a stock purchased at $50.00 a share drops to $36.00 a share, the income provided by the dividend income accelerates, and your dividend reinvestment provides you a better dividend �bang for your buck�. There have been many up and downs in the stock market these past 47 years (I know, I�ve been in almost 40 of them) � yet Proctor and Gamble has never failed to raise their dividend during those past 47 years.

Below is an example of two types of investors that have $10,000 to invest in the stock market. One is a lump-sum investor, the other a dollar-cost averaging investor. One investor doesn�t care about dividends, the dollar-cost averaging investor does. Each investor took a different �HOW� to invest and both investors had the same �WHEN� when they invested. Let�s say they invested at the same time, each stock purchased at $50 dollars a share and every quarter the stock dropped $2.00 a share, till the stocks hit a bottom of $36.00, and then recovers back to $50.00. The lump-sum investor bought the fictitious company ABC, which does not pay a dividend, and the dollar-cost averaging investor purchased the fictitious company XYZ, which pays a quarterly dividend of 50 cents a share (a 4.0% yearly dividend yield), and the company had a history of raising their dividend every March for the past 41 consecutive years. Both purchases were made in January.

The lump sum investor bought 200 shares of ABC at $50.00 a share, watched the stock drop to $36.00, then recover back to $50.00 and when all was said and done ended up right where he started with 200 shares of ABC worth $10,000.

The dollar-cost averaging investor purchased 100 shares of XYZ in January for $5,000.00, (the stock paying a quarterly 50 cent a share dividend for a 4.0 percent yearly dividend yield), and purchased $1,000.00 worth of more shares every quarter for the next 5 quarters. Each quarter the dividend from the company was also reinvested into more shares of stock. Each March the company raised its dividend 2 cents a share, marking 45 consecutive years of rising dividends. All purchases were commission free.

January, 100 shares of XYZ @ 50.00 a share = $5,000 Share $1,000.00 Stock price Dividend Purchases Share Purchases March $48.00 (52 cents a share) 1.083 20.83 shares June $46.00 (52 cents a share) 1.378 21.74 shares Sept. $44.00 (52 cents a share) 1.714 22.72 shares Dec. $42.00 (52 cents a share) 2.098 23.81 shares March $40.00 (54 cents a share) 2.637 25.00 shares June $38.00 (54 cents a share) 3.169 - 0 - Sept. $36.00 (54 cents a share) 3.393 - 0 - Dec. $38.00 (54 cents a share) 3.262 - 0 - March $40.00 (56 cents a share) 3.260 - 0 - June $42.00 (56 cents a share) 3.149 - 0 - Sept. $44.00 (56 cents a share) 3.045 - 0 - Dec. $48.00 (56 cents a share) 2.827 - 0 - March $50.00 (58 cents a share) 2.843 - 0 �

The dollar-cost averaging investor now owns 247.953 shares of XYZ. The value at $50.00 a share = $12,397.65.

So, the lump-sum investor ends up right where he started, 200 shares of ABC worth $10,000, and the dollar-cost averaging invested ends up owning 247.953 shares of XYZ worth $12,397.65, along with the dividend income generated from owning those shares. Both had the same �when� when they invested.

The dividend yield at 58 cents a quarter (.58 divided by $50.00 x 4 x 100 =), a 4.64% yearly dividend yield. Every quarter every dividend received from the company was higher than the previous dividend, no matter what the stock price was at the end of the quarter. The dollar-cost averaging investor is receiving a dividend for the next quarter from XYZ (no matter what the stock price happens to be) of .58 X 247.953 shares = $143.81, and the next quarter (and every quarter thereafter) the dividend would be even higher if the company, at least, maintained their dividend. If XYZ repeated the same performance history ($50.00 down to $36.00, back up to $50.00) for the next 3 years, and ABC did the same- the HOW you invest in the stock market makes all the difference in the world.

In the Stockopoly plan there are no commission charges, all stocks are purchased commission free. There is no need for a stockbroker (the tools needed for doing your own research are easily available and the where and how-to�s are included in the book); there are no hidden fees, load fees, operating, and management or advertising fees. There are no illegal trading practices, costing investors tens of million of dollars. (And the Wall Street Christmas bonuses will not be coming out of your pocket.) Every cent works for you in the form of increasing cash dividends every week, month and year. You�ll never pay too much for a stock, even if that stock is at a 52 week high. The WHEN you invest in the stock market is of little importance compared to knowing HOW to invest in the stock market, simply because the how over rules the when.

In the Stockopoly plan you will discover HOW to use all the tools necessary to develop a concrete, definite plan of investing that will profit you and your family for the rest of your lives.

For more information and excerpts from The Stockopoly Plan, please visit

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Author: Charles M. O'Melia

Monday, March 25, 2013

Get in the Game --- The High Cost of Waiting to Invest

Imagine for a moment that you’ve just received a year-end bonus or income tax refund. You’re not sure whether to invest now or wait. After all, the market recently hit an all-time high. Now imagine that you face this kind of decision every year — sometimes in up markets, other times in downdrafts. What’s a good rule of thumb to follow? 

Our research definitively shows that the cost of waiting for the perfect moment to invest far exceeds the benefit of even perfect timing. And because timing the market perfectly is, well, about as likely as winning the lottery, the best strategy for most of us mere mortal investors is not to try to market-time at all. Instead, make a plan and invest as soon as possible.


But don’t take my word for it. Consider our research on the performance of five long-term investors following very different investment strategies. Each received $2,000 at the beginning of every year for the 20 years ending in 2006 and left the money in the market once invested.(1) Check out how they fared:

1. PETER PERFECT was a perfect market timer. He had incredible skill (or luck) and was able to place his $2,000 into the market every year at the lowest monthly close. 

For example, Peter had $2,000 to invest at the start of 1987. Rather than putting it immediately into the market, he waited and invested after month-end November 1987 — that year’s monthly low point for the S&P 500® Index (a proxy for the stock market). 

At the beginning of 1988, Peter received another $2,000. He waited and invested the money after January 1988, the monthly low point for the market for that year. He continued to time his investments perfectly every year through 2006. 

2. ASHLEY ACTION took a simple, consistent approach: Each year, once she received her cash, she invested her $2,000 in the market at the earliest possible moment.

3. MATTHEW MONTHLY divided his annual $2,000 allotment into 12 equal portions,

which he invested at the beginning of each month. This strategy is known as dollar cost averaging. You may already be doing this through regular investments in your 401(k) plan or an Automatic Investment Plan (AIP), which allows you to deposit money into mutual funds on a set timetable. 

4. ROSIE ROTTEN had incredibly poor timing — or perhaps terribly bad luck: She invested her $2,000 each year at the market’s peak, in stark defiance of the investing maxim to “buy low.” For example, Rosie invested her first $2,000 at the end of August 1987 — that year’s monthly high point for the S&P 500. She received her second $2,000 at the beginning of 1988 and invested it at the end of December 1988, the peak for that year. 

5. LARRY LINGER left his money in cash (using Treasury bills as a proxy) every year and never got around to investing in stocks at all. He was always convinced that lower stock prices — and, therefore, better opportunities to invest his money — were just around the corner.



We looked at how much wealth each of the five investors had accumulated at the end of the 20 years (1987–2006). Actually, we looked at 62 separate 20-year periods in all, finding similar results across almost all time periods. 

Naturally, the best results belonged to Peter, who waited and timed his annual investment perfectly: He accumulated $146,761. But the study’s most stunning findings concern Ashley, who came in second with $141,856 — only $4,905 less than Peter Perfect. This relatively small difference is especially surprising considering that Ashley had simply put her money to work as soon as she received it each year — without any pretense of market timing. 

Matthew’s dollar-cost-averaging approach delivered solid returns, earning him third place with $134,625 at the end of 20 years. That didn’t surprise us. After all, in a typical 12-month period, the market has risen 75 percent of the time.(2) So Ashley’s pattern of investing first thing did, over time, yield lower buying prices than Matthew’s monthly discipline and, thus, higher ending wealth.

Rosie Rotten’s results also proved surprisingly encouraging. While her poor timing left her about $18,262 short of Ashley (who didn’t try timing investments), Rosie still earned significantly more than double what she would have if she hadn’t invested in the market at all. 

And what of Larry Linger, the procrastinator who kept waiting for a better opportunity to buy stocks — and then didn’t buy at all? He fared worst of all, with only $61,622. His biggest worry had been investing at a market high. Ironically, had he done that each year, he would have still earned more than twice as much over the 20-year period.


Regardless of the time period considered, the rankings turn out to be remarkably similar. We analyzed all 62 rolling 20-year periods dating back to 1926 (e.g., 1926–1945, 1927–1946, etc.). In 52 of the 62 periods, the rankings were exactly the same; that is, Peter Perfect was first, Ashley Action second, Matthew Monthly third, Rosie Rotten fourth and Larry Linger last.

But what about the 10 periods when the results were not as expected, as illustrated in the table? Even in these periods, investing immediately never came in last. It was in its normal second place four times, third place five times and fourth place only once, from 1962 to 1981, one of the few periods of persistently weak equity markets.What’s more, during that period, fourth, third and second places were virtually tied.

We also looked at all possible 30-, 40- and 50-year time periods, starting in 1926. If you don’t count the few instances when investing immediately swapped places with dollar cost averaging, all of these time periods followed the same pattern. In every 30-, 40- and 50-year period, perfect timing was first, followed by investing immediately or dollar cost averaging, bad timing and, finally, never buying stocks.


If you make an annual investment (such as a contribution to an IRA or to a child’s 529 plan), and you’re not sure whether to invest in January of each year, wait for a “better” time, or dribble your investment out evenly over the year, be decisive. The best course of action for most of us is to create an appropriate plan and take action on that plan as soon as possible. It’s nearly impossible to accurately identify market bottoms on a regular basis. So, realistically, the best action that a long-term investor can take, based on our study, is to invest at the first possible moment, regardless of the current level of the stock market. 

If you’re tempted to try to wait for the best time to invest in the stock market, our study suggests that the benefits of doing this aren’t all that impressive — even for perfect timers. Remember, over 20 years, Peter Perfect amassed less than $5,000 more than the investor who put her cash to work right away.

Even badly timed stock market investments were much better than no stock market investments at all. Our study suggests that investors who procrastinate are likely to miss out on the stock market’s potential growth. By perpetually waiting for the “right time,” Larry sacrificed $61,972 compared to even the worst market timer, who invested in the market at each year’s high.


If you don’t have the opportunity, or stomach, to invest your lump sum all at once, consider investing smaller amounts more frequently. Dollar cost averaging has several benefits:

*PREVENTS PROCRASTINATION. Some of us just have a hard time getting started. We know we should be investing, but we never quite get around to it. Much like a regular 401(k) payroll deduction, dollar cost averaging helps force yourself to invest consistently. 

*MINIMIZES REGRET. Even the most even-tempered stock trader feels at least a tinge of regret when an investment proves to be poorly timed. Worse, such regret may cause you to disrupt your investment strategy in an attempt to make up for your setback. Dollar cost averaging can minimize this regret because you make multiple investments, none of them particularly large.

*AVOIDS MARKET TIMING. Dollar cost averaging ensures that you will participate in the stock market regardless of current conditions. While this will not guarantee a profit or protect against a loss in a declining market, it will eliminate the temptation to try market-timing strategies that rarely succeed.

As you strive to reach your financial goals, keep these research findings in mind. It may be tempting to try to wait for the “best time” to invest — especially in a volatile market environment. But before you do, remember the high cost of waiting. Even the worst possible market timers beat not investing in the stock market at all. 

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Lara Edge

415-636-3386 or 415-636-5454

1. All investors received $2,000 to invest before the first market open of each year. Investments were made using monthly data.

2. Study of 965 one-year periods, rolling monthly. First period is January 1926 to December 1926. Last period is May 2006 to April 2007.


For more useful money tips for everyday living, visit

Author: Mark Riepe, Senior vice president, Schwab Center for Fina

Best Ways To Invest Money

Investments and savings are an integral part of personal finance. It is important to know the suitable avenues of investment, so as to take informed decisions regarding financial management. The following article takes a look at some of the best ways to invest money. Anybody can earn money, it's the savings and investments that count, an adage that rings true in these times of economic unrest and uncertainty. Careful investments can go a long way in securing ones future, after all, whether we call them stocks, bonds, term deposits or even simple savings accounts, a comfortable retirement is the ultimate goal of all personal finance. For the employed, investment often means putting away money for a rainy day, in stocks or funds which can be counted on, during times of economic downturn or personal requirements. Yet, for an amateur investor, just beginning his journey into the realms of finance, it may be a challenge to manage his resources according to his investment goals. Before we start discussing some investment channels, it would be prudent to glance at some tips for sensible investing.

Index➤ Tips for Intelligent Investing
Open a Savings Bank Account

Investing in Bonds
Investing through the 401(k)

Certificate of Deposit
Individual Retirement Account (IRA)

Investing in the Stock Market
Mutual Funds

Real Estate Investment Trust - REIT
Gold and Precious Metals

Tips for Intelligent Investing

Goal - Setting
Goals can be short or long term, your eye may be on a beautiful Porsche in a dealership downtown, or maybe, your aspirations are more familial and it's a home that's on your mind. A college loan, a formidable-looking mortgage, or even a trip to one of those picture postcard tropical paradises you see so often, plastered across the centerfold of some coffee table travelogue, without a planned investment strategy spread over a number of years, one cannot hope to ever generate the amount of money required to bring any of these dreams to fruition.
All investment goals are invariably influenced by factors such as age, income, marital status and work opportunities. Setting yourself goals for investment can be a very personal, introspective look at ones stage in life, and is different for every individual. A middle-level manager in an accounting firm in his early forties, may decide to take lesser risks and not invest in funds that have a greater composition of volatile stocks, on the other hand this may be the exact opposite of what a young executive in his first or second job would do - go where the returns are the best. A more senior investor, retired or on the verge of it, would probably hold more government bonds than mutual funds or pure stocks, as he needs the assurance that a federally backed financial instrument can give him.

The Risk Quotient
There is no gain without some measure of pain, so the saying goes, and the element of risk is omnipresent once your hard-earned money is on the line, fluctuating with the market and the prevailing economic conditions. It is best to have a margin of safety while investing, so as to keep a buffer between you and these fluctuations, thereby keeping your money safe. The other side of this argument, is that it's often the risk-takers who stand to gain the most from these corrections in the market, if they have sound reasoning to back their investment decisions. The stock market has made and unmade many good people, it doesn't mean you have a defeatist attitude and no risk appetite, however, for those who don't have a taste for the mood swings of the market, there are several investment options in the form of bonds and certificate deposits which will do the job, albeit at a lower rate of return.

It is advisable not to keep more than 75% of your investment confined to a particular asset class. By asset class we mean the investment vehicles like stocks and bonds. Diversification is a way to tone down the risk of losing money when the market is overcome by the forces of demand and supply, or at times, speculation and rumors, resulting in a drop in prices of stocks and the devaluation of personal holdings. One can invest in different types of securities and in funds which spread their portfolio over a range of companies, operating in different sectors of the economy.

Investing is also tying up your money in the form of a financial instrument, and liquidity is important when you want to make changes to your investment portfolio. Investing in stocks, bonds and other types of security comes in handy here, as these can be readily sold or redeemed in case of such requirements. Investing money in real estate, or in a business having a limited liability clause, may tie it up for a considerable amount of time, as there are certain legal formalities involved in the sale and purchase of such assets.

Checking for Tax Advantages
Investing can offer tax advantages too. Bonds carry certain tax benefits, an example is the US Savings Bonds which offers tax exemption at the State and local levels. Municipal bonds also offer certain tax reliefs, however, investing in stocks may incur you a tax liability as the gains from them are taxable.

Return on Investment
What are we investing for but profits, an amount gained that is in excess of the one we parted with, reducing or eliminating the opportunity costs involved in investment plans. Once again you must assess your requirements, what portion of savings are you willing, and able to invest? Which investment route should you choose? If you are a student paying off an education loan, high-stakes stock trading will not be your cup of tea, it may even lose you the few thousands leftover from the loan. It is a good idea to go for a short term Treasury Bill (6 months) or deposit your money into a savings account that has an attractive rate of interest. If you decide to indulge in some stock trading, it is best to stay with money market funds which invest in government securities and not on the open market. This investment plan will undergo changes according to the requirement of the investor, a successful software engineer may want to go for more aggressive trading, investing in a mix of blue-chip and mid-size companies that show promise. However, in all cases, the ultimate result is the generation of profit which makes all the trouble worthwhile.
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Ways to Invest Your Money
Investment methods can be classified in two ways - according to the degree of risk or the time period over which the yield may be derived from them. So you have to choose between high, medium and low-risk investments, keeping in mind the time frame too. Imagine a pyramid of your hard-earned money; ideally, the base of the pyramid should be invested in low risk, long-term investments (after accounting for your day-to-day expenses), the middle pile in short-term investments, with moderate risk and the smallest portion of the pyramid peak, into high-risk, high-return investments. Here are some of the best ways to invest in the long and short term, to ensure financial freedom in the years to come.

Open a Savings Bank Account
A safe method of investing is the savings bank account. Banks offer you a set interest for the amount of money you deposit with them. The current market, however, is still recovering from the disasters of 2008 and the Federal Reserve has decided to keep the target rate near zero until 2015, in an attempt to keep mortgage interest rates under control. So, although homeowners have something to cheer about, interest rates on savings accounts will not be very high, as banks use the Federal Reserve target rates to decide their own rates if interest. This does not mean that there are no banks out there with attractive interest rates and a little analysis can help you decide where to open an account and invest your cash. Bank accounts are known to be the safest and most flexible, if not the best way to invest money. Though the yield is low, the advantage of investing in savings accounts is the freedom to withdraw money anytime, as long as a minimum amount is maintained.
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Investing in Bonds
Another great investment option is that of a bond. Bonds are issued by private companies and governments. When you buy a bond, you essentially provide a loan to the private enterprise or the government issuing it. In return, you earn a fixed monetary interest, according to the coupon (interest rate of the bond), after a fixed maturity period. Treasury bonds or notes issued by the government are the safest investment options, with low but guaranteed yields in the long term. Bonds come in various types. A riskier, but high yield option is buying bonds offered by private companies, which are traded on the bond market. The returns on these bond instruments are subject to the performance of the issuing company. Carefully research the bond market and study the risks involved before investing. A treasury bond is always a good investment, but it has a long maturity period.

Corporate Bonds
Such bonds are issued by private and public companies as a quick method of raising capital.

Pros Higher yield than government bonds. Cons There can be a risk of default if the company suffers losses or the prevailing market conditions force it to defer payment. Liquidity can sometimes be an issue as secondary markets may not always accept sale of corporate bonds. Inflation, that many-headed monster, is always a threat as it tends to reduce the value of the bonds in the long term.
Municipal Bonds

Local governments and their affiliated institutions also issue bonds, known as Municipal Bonds or Munis, these bonds are often released by cities, redevelopment agencies, school districts or any other governmental agency beneath the central government.

Pros Municipal bonds are tax-free, this is by and large their greatest advantage. Even though the interest rates on municipal bonds are low, they offset this by giving you a tax-advantage which closes the gap between them and other taxable bonds. Municipal bonds have negligible default risk as they are backed by government agencies which promise return of principal and interest. Cons The biggest drawback of bond investing is the low interest rates, however, if you are looking a risk-free and long-term investment solution, municipal bonds are the way to go.
US Treasuries

The US Treasury Department issues various debt instruments which can be a good way to invest and earn interest income. These instruments are backed by the federal government and are therefore a safe and reliable mode of investing money. There are several types of such debt instruments namely: Treasury Bills: A popular short-term security, also called a T-Bill, which matures within a few days to about 52 weeks. Treasury Notes: Known as T-Notes, they mature within two to ten years and pay interest (coupon payments) every six months. They are available in denominations of $1000.
Treasury Bonds: T-Bonds are true long-term investment vehicles, they have the longest maturity period, extending from twenty to thirty years and similar to T-Notes they offer coupon payments at six-month intervals. However, the T-Bonds are losing popularity, having been taken over by the 10-year T-Note which also works well as a long-term investment option. Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS): The TIPS securities offer inflation protection by virtue of being tied to the movement of the Consumer Price Index (CPI). The simple act of increase or decrease in the index prices causes an appropriate adjustment in the principal amount invested in TIPS, to tackle the loss caused by inflation. TIPS come in 5, 10 and 30-year maturity classes. Back to Index

Investing through the 401(k)
You can also opt for salary contribution plans like the 401(k), a subsection of the Internal Revenue Code. This is a type of retirement contribution plan, where certain amounts are offered as contribution towards the 401(k) fund, the annual limit being $17,500. These contributions are deducted from the employees paycheck, before any tax-deductions are made, however, the 401(k) is taxable if the money is withdrawn before 59½ years of age, the age of retirement. Many employers also undertake to contribute toward 401(k), which adds to the fund over the years.

Pros Tax-free deductions added to a fund you can claim after retirement, a handy sum which will go a long way in contributing to your financial security in your twilight years. Employers that match the contribution often ensure a profit-sharing option, enabling better returns in the long run. Cons Liquidity takes a hit as most employers enforce severe restrictions on withdrawals from 401(k) accounts. There is an excise tax of up to 10% levied on withdrawals, not to mention the tax deductions which would invariably apply.
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Certificate of Deposit
Apart from savings accounts to put money in, banks in the US also offer a financial product called a Certificate of Deposit. A Certificate of Deposit or CD as they are commonly called, is a time deposit much like a savings bank account in that it is guaranteed to be risk-free. CDs are also offered by Credit Unions, insured by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), the ones offered by banks are guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). CDs offer a fixed interest rate for the amount of money you deposit with them for a particular period of time. The time-span varies from case to case, but the general span is six months to two years. The banks offer decent compounded interest on your deposits. A Certificate of Deposit is a time-honored and time-tested way of investing money.

Pros Interest rates offered are higher than average savings banks account rates. Risk-free investment as it is basically depositing money in the bank, albeit for a shorter duration of time. Larger deposits are often offered higher interest rates too. Cons CD interest rates are closely linked to the inflation rate of the economy. This is turn causes a problem when the real rate of return is calculated. If the inflation in the economy is tagging at 7%, the CD rates will be very similar to this, as the inflation cancels out the interest income. Taxes are liable to decrease the real return of a CD even further.
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Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs)
A form of a retirement plan, IRAs are a popular form of investment, which give you a healthy sum to bank on after retirement. The IRA is a tax-saving tool as the money you contribute to it is tax-deferred, only when you withdraw from it at the time of retirement is there a tax component, treating the income as capital gains. However, since the tax rates are lower after retirement there is not much tax burden on IRA withdrawals. The funds in the IRA account can be then directed by the contributor toward investing in different types of securities which are deemed permissible. There are different types of IRAs depending on the eligibility and requirements of the investor. Traditional IRA: Tax-deferred contributions over time, withdrawals are taxed after retirement. Roth IRA: The opposite of a traditional IRA plan, here the taxes are deducted from the contribution before it is put in the IRA and all withdrawals are tax-free at the time of retirement. SEP IRA : An employer can make contributions to a traditional IRA, instead of a pension fund, in the name of an employee. SIMPLE IRA: The employer in this case matches the contribution made by the employee towards IRA. SIMPLE stands for Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employees. Self-Directed IRA: This is an IRA where the investor makes investments on behalf of the retirement fund. Back to Index

Investing in the Stock Market
Another way of investing money is the stock market. This is the riskiest option, though it has the potential for highest returns. Stocks are unit of shares which signify holding in companies which can be bought by individuals or other institutions. For example, a person can buy stocks in a company for $5 and the next day, the cost of the shares could be as high as $8 per share. Selling, it, he will make a profit of $3. The stock market may give returns of as much as ten to twelve percent annually, however, it is governed by the forces of demand and supply and affected by various factors, from national and international events to the minute economic changes that occur when the government tweaks financial policy. It is, therefore, not surprising that one may book profits in excess of 300% in a week's worth of trading, or maybe lose the whole investment even quicker.
There are various options available for an investor in the stock market, some have been listed here according to their relevance for different types of investors.

Stock Trading
The purest form of trading there is, trading stocks on the exchange requires skill, patience, insight and sheer guts. This is not for the faint at heart, or armchair investors who may not be serious about investing. If you have decided to take the traditional route to investment, by launching yourself onto the trading floor, it is best to have at least a few months salary safe in the bank. Always invest what you won't immediately need, spread your risk but not too much, stick to blue-chip stocks if you want long-term returns and maintain a margin of safety while purchasing, whereas a chance to book profits while selling. Stocks are classified according to a variety of distinctions, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Domestic stocks Sector based stocks Strategy based stocks International stocks Commodity stocks There are also stocks which may not be listed on the exchange such as Private equity and Venture capital stocks.

Pros There is immense flexibility; You can buy and sell stocks as you wish, or get a broker to carry out your transactions for you. The stock market gives better returns than most other forms of investment. When on a bull run, the returns can be many times your original investment, that too in a short period of time. During the bearish phase stocks can be bought cheap and held onto, till times change and the market moves upwards again. Stocks of companies from all over the world can be traded at the click of a button, this gives the investor a chance to diversify his investment and sniff out new sectors which are ripe for investment. The economic scenario in Asia might be better suited for certain companies than the recession hit economies of the West and it may be sensible to invest in companies that have Asia as a primary market. Cons The stock market is a great leveler, it can change quickly and without warning wiping out big and little guys alike. As an investor, one must conduct meticulous research before going ahead and investing money, there should be a clear understanding of market conditions and an ability to forecast future movements with some certainty. There is an element of speculation present which can throw the best laid investment plans out of focus. The trading floor is abuzz with exchange of information and news, many times the general sentiment is influenced by the speculative activities of a few individuals and snowballs into affecting the whole market. At times like this, prices can fluctuate wildly causing serious harm to investors. You cannot sit back and relax once you begin investing in the stock market. Although brokers and commission agents will work for you, it does not mean one can leave the trading in their hands, after all, the decision to invest in particular sectors or stocks must be made by you.
Best picks for 2013

With a market cap of around $110 billion, Qualcomm is an attractive option these days. The financials of the company are robust too, with sales in the region of $20 billion and an asset base of $43 billion, it looks poised to perform well in 2013. It is trading upwards of $64 a share on NASDAQ.

The largest semi-conductor manufacturer in the world may be struggling to come to term with smartphones invading its PC space, however, a market cap of nearly $140 billion and revenues of $54 billion make this one heavyweight you shouldn't miss out on. It is trading at about $21 on NASDAQ

The company that has innovation as its middle name, although many would argue otherwise in the post-Steve Jobs era, is an obvious contender for a bedrock investment. It is one of the largest companies in the world with $550 billion in market cap, $125 billion in revenue and the first position on the Forbes list of the World's most powerful brand. It is trading in the range of $450 a share on NASDAQ.

United Parcel Service is set for a good year ahead as it has seen rising cash flows and its dividends have expanded, allowing the company to repurchase shares too. UPS has a market cap of $78 billion and is trading in the region of $82 a share on NASDAQ.
*As on 1/24/2013

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Mutual Funds
Touted as the best investment solution for small investors, mutual funds are a collective investment tool, managed by professionals who invest in the stock market, creating portfolios of stocks, called funds, that are then sold to the general public as units. The Net Asset Value of a mutual fund changes according to the volume of units held by it at the end of every trading day. This is the figure at which one unit of the mutual fund can be bought by the public. Mutual funds can be either corporations or trusts, managed by a board of directors in the first instance and by a board of trustees in the second. Corporations are registered entities under the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and managed by a fund manager. There are several types of mutual funds, they operate with different investment strategies and target different classes of investors. Open-ended Funds: Such funds sell and buy shares from investors at all times, without any conditions. The securities held by the fund are also traded openly by the fund manager according to the market conditions. Closed-ended Funds: Such funds sell their units to the public only once and then the fund is closed. Selling back to the fund is not allowed and can only be traded with other investors on the market. Unit Investment Trusts: UITs also issue shares to investors once, however, they do allow the shares to be sold on the open market. They have a limited life-span and can be redeemed by the investor at the end of this term or sold earlier. Exchange Traded Funds: ETFs are set up as investment companies and are traded on the stock exchange like shares. Most ETFs today are index funds which track various equity or commodity indexes. Money market funds: A type of mutual fund that invests exclusively in US Treasury Bills and commercial papers, they are safer than normal open ended funds which trade on the market and since they are invested in short-term debt, they also have a measure of liquidity. The returns on money market funds is relatively higher than that from bank savings accounts. Pros Collective investment lowers risk of abnormal losses. Professional advice and management of finances. Government regulation of investment practices reduces the risk of fraud. Easy monitoring of investment and liquidity. Cons Investment in funds may require the payment of additional fees to advisors or the fund itself. Risk factor remains as the money is ultimately subjected to the vagaries of the stock market. No guarantee of returns, as prior performance is the only tool to judge the future performance of the fund, a fact which is by itself a disclaimer for such investment vehicles.

Best Picks for 2013
Vanguard International Growth

A good fund for investors looking overseas in turbulent markets, the Vanguard International Growth fund is a good option, with a Year-To-Date (YTD) return of 3.79%. The Net Asset Value (NAV) is $20.03 and the fund focus is on companies expanding globally and in markets which promise high returns in the coming years.

Fidelity Contrafund
Contra funds typically invest in undervalued companies, with an aim to book profits when the share prices rise. The Fidelity Contrafund is a good performer with a YTD of 4.16% and a high NAV of $80.53.

American Funds American Balanced A
A large cap growth and income fund the American Funds American Balanced A, invests in blue-chip stocks which promise the growth of capital and good dividend income. It has an NAV of $21.18 and a YTD of 3.53%.
*As on 1/24/2013

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Real Estate Investment Trust - REIT

Another popular investment vehicle for investors keen on getting into the real estate market are Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) stocks. They are traded like normal stocks on the exchange but they invest their funds exclusively in real estate properties and mortgages. They are categorized as follows. Equity REITs: Investment is made in physical properties, either owned or via a mode of investment. The income is given to the holders of REITs from the rent they receive from these properties. Mortgage REITs: The primary investment happens in property mortgages, purchase of mortgaged securities and even loaning money to mortgage-holders. Income is earned through mortgage interest. Pros The REITs offer high returns to investors. Tax-treatment for REIT income is fairly straightforward Adding REITs to your portfolio can help in diversification. Cons Real estate as a sector goes through various ups and downs, this may translate to fluctuations in the dividend income REITs can offer.
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Gold and Precious Metals
Gold is proving to be a very healthy investing option these days. Even historically, bullion prices have always appreciated with time. Gold and other precious metals like silver and platinum are safe harbors where you can park your money and ensure its growth, even during an economic recession. You may invest in gold directly or indirectly through exchange traded funds and other instruments.

Best Picks for 2013
Newmont Mining Corp

Newmont owns gold mines in various parts of the world, from New Zealand to Ghana. They are one of the big gold producers and buying stock will definitely help you enter the gold bullion segment. It has revenues touching $10 billion and is the only company mining gold, to remain in the Standard & Poor's 500 Index. It is trading at around $44 on the NYSE.

SPDR Gold Trust (ETF)
An exchange traded gold fund, the SPDR Gold Trust is also a good option for investors who may be wary of investing in straight stocks of mining companies. It has a market price of around $161 on the NYSE Arca.
*As on 1/24/2013

Author: Roy D'Silva